SoftProdigy Online Store


  1. How Social Media Help Increase Your Business

    An integral part of boosting sales is to establish relationships and, in turn, social media helps you accomplish it quickly and easily. Surprisingly, many investors have made significant investments in social media marketing to offer million potential customers a flexible, seamless and personalized shopping experience. Large scale and small business companies can now leverage the new social media trends to drive increase revenue. Here are five strategies to boost sales in 2016:

    Get personal

    Social media is a room for genuine engagement with customers that might result in long-term relationships...

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  2. Why Mobile Apps Have Become Important than Ever?

    In this rapidly growing retail industry, did you know that mobile commerce is growing at a faster rate? Realizing the increasing growth of smartphone users, this is obvious, but there still exist handful of e-commerce retailers that hasn't been keeping up with the times and is still serving the unresponsive online store to mobile users which will ultimately drive mobile users away. 

    Failing to provide users a mobile friendly environment while shopping might put you in disadvantage, given the constantly growing popularity of mobile apps. However, if you are yet to be convinced by the serious urge for mobile optimization, here are few reasons why you...

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  3. Five Innovative Ways to Boost Your E-Commerce Business

    The e-commerce industry is a force that no investor can afford to ignore. In the overcrowded world of e-commerce, every business strives to get the smallest leg up on the competition but when it comes to enhancing the online shopping experience, most online retailers shop at ubiquitous. Even when the online retailers start strong, there are always ways to improve. 

    1.    Personalize User’s Experience

    Basic product information is no longer sufficient. Size, color...

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  4. The Perfect Time to Move from E-commerce to M-commerce

    E-commerce has gradually become an integral part of our lives as it offers convenient ways to shop from your comfort zone. E-commerce wasn’t the first thing to make customers order products from home to be delivered to their doorstep. Remember pizza delivery boys? Technology has stepped to the next level, rather than replacing the methods, it has clubbed strategies altogether. However, a decade ago e-commerce was only an illusion but today it has become reality achieving tremendous success. 

    Why is the move a must?

     Technology evolves over generations. Rightly said once a new technology rolls over, if you aren’t a part of the steamroller, you will be part of the road. E-commerce has become a survival kit in the fast-paced lifestyle...

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  5. Top Must Have Magento Extensions for your Ecommerce Store

    As the whole market is saturated with various e-commerce platforms, it can be quite difficult to figure out which one is best to meet your needs. Most marketers choose Magento as it offers almost everything an e-commerce site required. Though it isn’t a plug and play e-commerce platform, but it does need basic coding knowledge to build the website. 

    If you are using Magento as the e-commerce platform, you must be aware by now that the basic setup doesn’t suit 100% of your needs. This is because it is simply a platform, not the entire business in a single box. You need to choose your own email management, automation tools, social marketing tools, and much more. Here is a list of Top Magento 2 Extensions that would make your work easy and may possibly discover something new for your store.

    1. ...

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  6. Why Magento is Best E-commerce Platform

    What do Warby Parker, Samsung, and Nike have in common? No idea? Well, all of them are built on Magento platform. In fact, most of the e-commerce websites run on Magento. Given a variety of choice, what makes Magento so special? Why is it favorite amongst the developers for building e-commerce sites?

    Magento is an open source and free

    Magento has three versions in total and the most popular of them is the Community Edition that boasts the largest and active developer community for e-commerce platform. Magento is easy, free to download and install. You can tweak the source code as per your needs and install extensions available through Magento Connect Marketplace. Magento store gets updated on regular basis by the developer community. Moreover, there reside no security issues.


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  7. 4 Little Things to Improve Your Ecommerce Business

    Everyday a customer’s experience with the market becomes social and visual that further complicates the process of business owners as they strive hard to keep up with the latest developments in e-commerce while they grow their business. With the ever changing digital world and advancing technology, it is important to keep your e-commerce platform updated. 

    There are plenty of features to be incorporated into your e-commerce website but it is important to focus on efforts to ensure you can scale your business to add more features. Certainly there are some sweeping business strategies and powerful solutions that may help boost your business sales. But what about other small things that you can do in few minutes which could help your e-commerce business to improve?

    Here is the list of such...

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  8. 5 Ways E-commerce can Increase Sales with Facebook

    For most of the e-commerce businesses, Facebook is still a priority when it comes to driving traffic and grabbing the audience. Chances are there that you have made a Facebook page and are regularly sharing content with your followers. But does that ensure continuous sales in your business? Here are some effective ways to sell your business with Facebook and create an audience with raving fans. 

    Use Images

    If you wish to generate traffic and boost sales from Facebook you have to build an audience and grab their attention. You might be aware of the fact that images outstand post when it comes to pleasing the audience. However, not all images are effective. Those which are self-explanatory get higher engagement compared to general posts....

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  9. Is Your E-Store Ready to Please Customers this Valentine’s Day?

    Valentine’s Day is less than a week away. According to a survey, most couples are expected to spend in bulk on gifts and other surprises related to Valentine’s Day.


    Valentine’s Day is assumed to be the major spending occasion as many will spend an incredible amount to express their love. So it is the right time to get your online store ready to grab potential customers in the right way.

    •    Make your store mobile-friendly

    Every second individual prefers to use mobile as their shopping channel for purchasing gifts for their Valentine. Therefore, a mobile optimized website should be your priority during the Valentine’s Day occasion. If your e-store isn’t mobile friendly, you immediately need to make it first so you have to adopt mobile-app promotional activities to send push notifications to notify customers regarding gifts and other services.

    •    Offer gifts and discounts to customers

    Attractive gifts and heavy discounts are the keys to grabbing maximum amount of customers...

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  10. 10 Tips for Increasing Your Ecommerce Online Sales

    You have developed a beautiful and attractive website and are ready to sell your products. But, as you see nobody is visiting your site, and if they do, they aren’t buying anything at your store. What to do now?

    In this ever-changing and competitive world, selling a product needs much more than just some good looking web pages. Your website should be able to drive traffic and covert visitors to potential buyers. But how?

    Here are top ten tips that will increase your ecommerce online sales and convert your visitors to prospective customers-

    Clutter-Free Design


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