SoftProdigy Online Store


  1. 5 Reasons Why Online Shopping Is Infinitely Better Than Traditional Shopping

    Isn’t it intriguing to observe that the shopping style has switched from conventional method to online shopping? With the help of the internet, shopping has now become a hassle free cake walk! Purchasing is just a click away and the assortment is endless. In addition, the demand for products has significantly grown bringing in meaningful competition in the shopping industry catering to multiple needs. Creating a responsive website isn’t the only feature, there are add-ons like incorporating Magento extensions is also mandatory. Let’s find out why online shopping overpowers offline shopping. 


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  2. What's Trending This Year? 3 Strategies That Will Transform Your Ecommerce Store in 2016

    When it comes to mobile domination, 2016 will be a defining year for ecommerce. Sources have predicted that 2016 will eventually mark the consolidation of the digitalized era with more than half of the consumers using their handheld devices to make transactions whenever required. 

    On the flip side, some marketers fear that we might reach “peak content” with the customer’s bandwidth attaining maximum capacity. If you are an entrepreneur who has recently entered into the marketplace it is necessary to build a presentable ecommerce with the help of ...

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  3. Wanna refurbish your Ecommerce store? Make it Social Shopping Ready!

    With the ever changing digitalized lifestyle, online shopping is the ultimate solution. Online shopping offers quick and affordable solution to customers. The major advantage that grabs costumer is the 24 hour shopping facility. In addition, online merchants offer many discounts from the comfort of your home, anywhere, anytime and they also cater wide array of quality products to choose from.

    “Social shopping” is hanging out with your friends of the digitalized generation at the local mall by taking advantage of all the social media platform features available. Today’s customer has plenty of choices and o...

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  4. 5 Ways to Rock Your Brand on Twitter

    In today digitalized world, giving away your business card during networking events isn’t enough. Rather making a social media presence is the ultimate branding tool. Twitter is a great tool for growing your email list and providing value to the audience that might further result in leads for your business. Plus, Twitter has exploded in popularity because the press picks up the site features from celebrities, entrepreneurs and provides a fantastic opportunity for business promotion. 

    Here are 5 ways that will help you rock your business on Twitter :

    •    Optimize company’s bio


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  5. Focus on Mcommerce: Put Your Store in Customer's Pocket

    Undoubtedly mobile use is continuing to rise every year amongst most of the consumers interested in interacting with business owners regarding their shopping experience while using their handheld devices on the daily basis. With respect to this, Magento ecommerce mobile app is becoming popular amongst online merchants. 

    As more and more people have started to extensively use mobile for fulfilling their day to day needs and for keeping in touch with their loved ones, they are changing the way they shop. Whether it is smartphones or tablets, we can now search and buy anything we want, anywhere, anytime. For online retailers, this...

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  6. Beginner Entrepreneur? 5 Things You Must Do to Grow Your Online Business

    Setting up an attractive online store that stands out from others takes a lot of dedication, but you can achieve it easily if you follow these steps. Make the buying process user-friendly and simple to understand for all your customers. With every action that you take, ensure to measure its impact on sales via Google Analytics.  


    Rome wasn’t built in a day. Growing business doesn’t happen in one day, it happens when you get better and optimize your business to deliver best possible results. This requires thinking away from tactics and focussing on lifting...

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  7. Why Ecommerce is Important for Business Growth?

    Whether you are an entrepreneur or an investor with a bit of extra money to start a new business, ecommerce is a great field to get into. Even as a beginner, plenty of tools and resources are laid out for you in ecommerce. All that is required is work ethics and desire to succeed. 

    •    Ecommerce is expected to grow by 25%

    While choosing the business model, it’s very important to examine trends and indulge into growth market whenever possible. Magento ecommerce modules make it possible to build a powerful ecommerce website. The stats back up a similar...

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  8. How Drive Traffic to Your Ecommerce Website

    Whether you are a business owner or entrepreneur, you always want people to know the services you have to offer. Driving traffic to your business website is crucial in building a larger audience, gaining more customers and going viral. There are endless benefits of driving traffic to your website. Despite the fact that your ecommerce website is build top Magento plugins, there are several strategies that follow in order to drive traffic.  



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  9. Small Things Make a Big Difference: Make Your Store Better Than Rest!

    You have made an ecommerce store build with Premium Magento Extensions and Free Magento Modules, you’re living the dream that customers will pour in and money will roll in. Ever realized there are different factors that influence customer’s buying behaviour? Here are few simple steps to make the most of your online store and push customers to buy more.

    •    Make it personal

    People have become clever with time so they have stopped trusting websites blindly. They...

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  10. Unbeatable Ecommerce Marketing Strategies

    You have the best quality products, the PayPal account, and the packaging material is all set to go. Now the most crucial step us to bring traffic to your website and converting it into sales. Your plans for New Year call for growing your business but where will the increase sales come from? The likely source of new customers will be marketing your e-commerce. You ecommerce website built with Premium Magento Extensions is of no use if a great marketing strategy is not implemented. Marketing e-commerce might turn up to be challenging task for you but with the following strategies, you can successfully jumpstart your online business. 


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