SoftProdigy Online Store


  1. Creative Ways to Improve The Online Shopping Experience

    Customers today have more options and places to shop than ever. And if you have an online retail business, and want them to buy from you, then you need to be able to quickly attract their attention. Make the shopping experience pleasant and easy with great functionalities, products, offers and Magento Addons on your website.


    Today, online shopping is no longer a trend, but it’s a necessity for everyone. With the surge in demand, the number of...

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  2. Create New Attribute for Orders in Magento

    Sometimes there's a requirement for some new attributes for orders in a Magento store. The reasons may be different, extend functionality of Magento categories or simply to store more information about your online customers. This enables you to customize the checkout page in your store and make customers happier.

    If you are a developer, then you must know adding custom product attribute for orders is pretty a common task. If you are facing problem with this task, we will be very much glad when you find this information helpful.

     Here are some quick steps and tips to create new attributes for orders in Magento store which will do exactly what you want and nothing more than that. So let’s start with it:

     For Adding new attribute, we have to create new column...

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  3. Must Have Magento Extensions for Amazing Ecommerce Experience

    The web is full of horrendous sites, not only in terms of bad designs but also the features and other elements as well. Besides how it looks, there are many other elements that go into making a website customer-friendly. Thankfully Magento eCommerce extensions offer features that make an e-store effective from top to bottom, inside and out.

    These extensions bring a lot of features that are paramount to success small-business websites. For example, a chat...

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  4. Magento-vs Magento2 Should You Upgrade or Not?

    For the past few years the hottest discussion in the global online retail industry were naturally held about the release of Magento 2. Not to mention that a large percentage of online retail stores is using Magento, following its great features and the range of eCommerce Magento extensions available at the store. Magento 1 offered a great platform for the vendors to turn their store into an eCommerce business with great user-friendly experience, performance and global presence.



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  5. Top 5 Magento Extentions - Know What Make Them Great for eStores

    Magento has earned worldwide popularity in the online marketplace as this eCommerce platform offers great features to let buyers enjoy a better user-experience while making it an easy job for the website owner. This incomparable platform ensures increase in revenue and can bring great benefit if combined with top 5 Magento extensions. 

    If you're already using Mangento as your eCommerce platform, then you’re probably aware by now that its basic setup doesn’t suit 100% of your needs. After all it's just a platform and not an entire business in a box. You may need to search on Mangento store or Google to increase functionalities of your web store with extensions for email management, email/SMS notifications, social marketing tools, and much more.


    Sounds like a lot of work, doesn’t it?

    Let us make it easier and provide you with a quick lost of the top 5 ...

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  6. Top Ecommerce Platforms for Small Businesses

    The Internet has revolutionized retail and it no longer takes big investments to sell products, ideas or digital downloads to buyers. Running your own eCommerce store is fun to do and also has the potential to get you great funds. If you're new to the industry, you can easily combine it with a day job.

    With various online tools making website development easier like never before, you'll still need to pick the right infrastructure to get your business up and running successfully. You need...

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  7. Three Ways to Surprise and Delight Your Customers

    Over the years, the web continues to drastically change the way we shop, entrepreneurs find it difficult to renew faith and power of a potential customer. Incorporating top ecommerce Magento extensions in your website might be helpful to some extent but there are other factors that come into play.  

    What might be the reason?

    Online store owners need to act smart and understand what their USP is. To make it simple, what makes your product different from its competitors and why should...

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  8. Make the Most of the Magento in Your Ecommerce Store

    When you think about ecommerce platforms, Magento stands the most prominent one from the rest. Its footprints flood across the web and it powers maximum amount of online merchants than any others. Magento is an open source technology that offers merchants huge flexibility, not just in terms of look but also in the feel of the shopping experience. The wide assortment of tools available, the customization it offers can all be implemented in your store to revamp the way you do our business. You need to incorporate top Magento extensions to make your website a responsive one. 


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  9. Add Side Bar in Magento2

    Do think adding sidebar in Magento 2 is a daunting task? Well, it’s not! Here is how to add side bar blocks in magento2 with ease. Sidebar block allow you to add some text or products or anything you want into sidebar (left or right).

    Through the simple module it can be easily displayed how to add out block or template to sidebar.

    But before that there is one thing that we should notice “Earlier Magento has left and right sidebar layout elements, so can add either in left or right.” and you need to set blocks for right and left layout respectively...

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  10. Four Reasons to Start Your Own Ecommerce Business

    Are you planning to start your own business? Ecommerce is a great field to get into. Even as a beginner, plenty of resources are laid out for you. All you need is perseverance, dedication, and strong work ethic to succeed. In addition, you need to revamp your ecommerce website by incorporating Top Magento extensions

    Here are four reasons to start an ecommerce business today.

    •    Ecommerce is expected to grow 15% to 25% worldwide.


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