SoftProdigy Online Store


  1. Tips to Use Abandoned Cart Reminders to Increase Your Revenue

    More than two-thirds of online buyers who fill their shopping carts abandon it. This leads to great loss of sales for the sellers. While Magento does not offer in-built feature for it, using third party Magento extensions can be a great help.

    With abandoned cart extensions, store owners get a chance to get in touch with those who’ve abandoned cart and allure them with great discounts and offers to encourage complete the checkout process.

    The Challenge of A...

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  2. Top Extensions to Supercharge Your E-Store

    There’s no secret that social media platforms, emails and SMS messages boost marketing effectiveness, increase public presence, sales, and build customer loyalty. While Magento is a robust eCommerce platform, it doesn’t offer these tools, but one can use third party eCommerce Extensions to achieve the desired goals.

    For the online retailers, who want to take full advantage of the great marketing features, then they should go for the extensions as this methodology develops functionality...

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  3. In This Topic We are explaining the Installton Steps for Ionic and Ionic Folder Structure

    Ionic is open source framework used for developing mobile applications. It provides tools and services for building mobile UI with native look and feel. Ionic framework needs native wrapper to be able to run on mobile devices.


    Ionic is open source framework used for developing mobile applications. It provides tools and services for building mobile UI with native look and feel. Ionic framework needs native wrapper to be able to run on mobile devices.

    Since Ionic is built on top of AngularJS and Apache Cordova you will need to have basic knowledge about these technologies. You also need to be familiar with HTML, CSS and JavaScript if you want to completely understand all the information provided.


    Ionic is an HTML5 mobile app development framework targeted at building hybrid mobile apps. Think of Ionic as the front-end UI framework that handles all the look and feel and UI interactions your app needs in order to be compelling. Kind of like "Bootstrap for Native," but with support for a broad range of common native mobile components, slick animations, and beautiful design

    Ionic Framework Features

    • AngularJS

    Ionic is using AngularJS MVC architecture for building rich single page applications optimized...

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  4. Explore the World of Magento at Chennai Magento Meetup

    Good News! DKAP takes an initiative to provide a common platform for the Magento developers, designer, merchant and Magento enthusiasts in Chennai. The goal of this platform, named Chennai Magento Meetup, is by nurturing relationships among Magento users and grow this platform into a vast knowledge base and strong community.

    Those who are willing to take part in the event are required to register as the spaces are filling up fast.


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  5. Grow Your Business by Using Marketing SMS and Emails Effectively

    Consumers find promotional emails and SMSs highly valuable. Want proof? 8 out of 10 promotional messages and emails are opened by the customers and maximum times the clicks received are from the smartphone users. The target can be achieved with a combination of Premium Magento Extensions and effective messages with relative store link.

    It is found that marketers witness 50 percent higher open rates...

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  6. Improve Conversion Rate With Daily Deals Extension

    Turning to the top 100 thousand eCommerce sites on the internet, the largest market share is found to be with Magento. This is leading Open Source platform with various benefits such as modular architecture, activating multiple deals, flexibility and adding new functionalities is much simpler.

    Because every online business holds a single aim-increased sales and revenue, attracting traffic is paramount. Unfortunately, sales don’t happen just because of the traffic...

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  7. Reasons That Make Magento the Best Choice for Ecommerce

    “The whole world depends on eCommerce platforms to buy products.” It’s certainly a true statement, but is it all? People can buy anything using their mouse or fingers and there’s a number of platforms available for eCommerce website development, but the big brands have only one in favorite-Magento. Apart from the eCommerce Extensions, there’s a lot more that Magento has to offer.


    What makes the big brands to side with one platform? Let’s know the reason:


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  8. Using EAV And Flat Tables in Same Module

    If you want to develop a module that has both EAV Models and Flat Table Models, you are at right place.

    Your module’s config.xml should be look like this. 










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  9. How to Put E-Commerce Business on a Growth

    So you’ve finally landed here to know how to tool your Ecommerce business for growth. This means you’ve already picked your preferred eCommerce platform for your store and your site is live for buyers to explore the variety of products. Is it all you want for your business? I bet you not. Installing Magento eCommerce extensions are always required.


    Having a stunning Magento website with appealing designs and engaging site logo is not...

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  10. Transform Your Online Business With Magento Extensions

    Ecommerce has been a buzz since quite a few years now and Magento is one of the widely used platforms for online retail business. Magento offers functionalities, which can be increased with Magento extensions, to make shopping a better experience and it’s robust and highly customizable. With Magento being highly scalable, one need not to worry when upgrading. It comes with an array of features to give you a complete control over the store. 


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