Good News! DKAP takes an initiative to provide a common platform for the Magento developers, designer, merchant and Magento enthusiasts in Chennai. The goal of this platform, named Chennai Magento Meetup, is by nurturing relationships among Magento users and grow this platform into a vast knowledge base and strong community.

Those who are willing to take part in the event are required to register as the spaces are filling up fast.

 Speaking about this, DKAP official said “Four Chennai Magento Meetups have already been organized in the past and this is the 5th version of the series. We would like to thank everyone who participated in the previous Meetups and we hope the number of participants increases this year.”

The event will be organized on 17th June, 2016. During this event, Magento developers and enthusiasts can come together and engage themselves with the Magento community. “We believe this event would serve as a great platform for the developers to share their ideologies which will build a vivid ecosystem for Magento in Chennai and overall India as well,” he added.

Today, Magento is the only leading eCommerce platform with over 80% market share in the eCommerce Industry. This has been proven by the Internet Retailer Top 1000, B2B and Hot 100 lists. This platform aims to help merchants to successfully integrate digital and physical shopping experiences.

This event brings Magento fans together and you’re likely to gather some great advice whilst getting the opportunity to meet members Magento community from Chennai and also from around the world. Topics will be mixed to keep it interesting for all the types. Participants can join the discussions or even host a debate on the topic they are passionate about.

Why to attend this Meetup?

This event is based on Magento and its technological aspects. Joining this event is going to be useful and appropriate for the people who have a technical expertise in the Magento.