More than two-thirds of online buyers who fill their shopping carts abandon it. This leads to great loss of sales for the sellers. While Magento does not offer in-built feature for it, using third party Magento extensions can be a great help.

With abandoned cart extensions, store owners get a chance to get in touch with those who’ve abandoned cart and allure them with great discounts and offers to encourage complete the checkout process.

The Challenge of Abandoned Carts

Ecommerce shoppers’ abandoning cart is a critical problem and no e-store is safe from this trend. During a customer buying behavior survey, it was revealed that the estimated value of abandoned cart is approximately 4 trillion dollars each year, which makes it a big deal. To find out a correct solution, one must figure out the reasons behind it and take required steps.

Since abandoning cart has been a serious matter for all established and start-up online shopping stores, we’re going to try and provide some actionable tips on how to make your abandoned cart emails work and encourage more customers to complete the checkout process.

Have a Sense of Urgency in the Emails

Remember, abandoned cart email reminder is all about how quick you send them. A study suggests that after 24 hours, your chances of bringing a customer back diminish significantly. If you send the email reminder before 24 hours, you boost your ROI by over 2800%. The study also suggests that 72% of people buy after abandoning their cart within 24 hours.

Hence, be active in knowing who is not completing the checkout process and quickly send them reminders with attractive deals and offers to encourage buying. It often works because almost 90% of abandoned cart incidents are due to over pricing or the customers get better deal on other stores. Consider setting up emails for one hour and 24 hours than one or two weeks after car abandonment. You may also consider another email after six weeks and two months. Stay engaged with the cart abandoners for much longer than you’d think.

Offer Discounts

There may be times when a customer abandon cart just because they find the product overrated or there’s another platform that is offering the same product at a lower cost. Make sure to offer discount in your abandoned cart emails.

Incentivize the shoppers to opt-in to email marketing from you. There are various incidents when people first abandon their carts, but make a purchase when offered with discount coupons. I’d recommend you to be careful with discounts and don’t get used to them while sending abandoned cart email reminder.

Be Helpful – Not Just Sales Focused

Striking a right tone is the key theme across abandoned cart emails that work great. Make to focus on being helpful and provide value to your potential customers. After all, you’re going to be benefited if they feel you as a helping hand and it’s going to be good for you at the end.

Using simple yet attractive words like “Thank You” and offering help can be a great help in bringing back the customer to your store and giving them a reason to purchase.

Use Best Tools for Bringing Back Users

Using newsletter tools are not enough for abandoned cart emails, but you need something better that focuses on a particular category of customers. You need an abandoned cart reminder extension, and having one with template customization would be a great choice as including customers’ name in the email can do wonders.

Never let your abandoned cart reminders fail as the online shoppers who just landed to you store and walked away may turn to your competitors to make a purchase. If you’re not prompt enough to grab their attention, you may lose them forever.