SoftProdigy Online Store


  1. Double Your Revenue With Daily Deal Extension

    Ever wondered why big eCommerce giants spend a lot on the television commercials for their discount offers? Because they make double even triple revenue with discount offers on their Magento stores. Most potential customers spend hours online just to find advantageous deals to get what they dream about. So, just help them make decisions more quickly using Daily Deals Magento Extension.

    The online buyers about the lucrative deals you are offering and catch more visitors simply by integrating this extension today...

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  2. Tips to Choose Best Magento2 Extensions

    Magento has been noted as the most loved eCommerce platform enjoying a collective 20% market share of all eCommerce websites. With the introduction of Magento2 recently, the number is expected to rise further and so is the demand for premium Magento 2 extensions

    While the default Magento2 already offers adequate great features for the online shopping stores, using Magento2 extensions can help enhance the user experience and make it better to meet the business demand of the store owner. Before you jump into the decision of installing extensions to your store, make sure you keep the following things in mind.

    Why you should embrace Magento2

    Magento 1.x has been widely...

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  3. Best Practices to Strengthen Your eCommerce Store

    Magento is the world leading eCommerce platform today that online retailers choose to grow their businesses. The availability of variety of premium Magento extension and flexibility has been the reason for its growth with over 22% of the top eCommerce websites using it. However, following the increasing demand of Magento, it has been the apple of hackers’ eyes.

    No doubt, Magento is one of the safest Open Source eCommerce platform as Magento takes users’ safety as a top priority and releases security patches to make users feel secure. Just like any other leading platform, security concerns are constantly discovered. Let’s explore some of the precautionary measures that can be taken to combat security attacks and prevent yourself from becoming a victim of the next prey of the hackers.


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  4. Go Smart With Advanced WooCommerce Tools

    Without a doubt, WooCommerce has been one of the most popular eCommerce platform for the aspiring entrepreneurs. After all, what better way could be there to curate a shopping store to your product than using the most resilient Content Management System on the virtual world? Those who already own an eStore, understand the great features WooCommerce and the premium WooCoomerce Modules.

    This platform is sharply different to other platforms around and created for the more professional enterprise-level transactions.


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  5. Must Have One Page Checkout Extensions For Your Magento Shop

    The complicated checkout is the prime reason that drives customers to leave their cart without any hesitation. Your loyal customers will be purchasing from your store regardless of how difficult it is – but the new customers may be lost due to checkout complexity. Joining hands with premium Magento extensions to simplify the checkout process can help show all necessary information at the same time including shipping method, order reviews, billing address, and payment methods on a single page.

    If you are aiming to offer a smooth and pleasant shopping experience to the online shoppers and motivate them to buy again, One Page checkout extension can positively affect your online store’s conversion rate. Every update occurs right on the checkout page without navigation. It reduces the default Magento 6-step checkout pro...

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  6. Reasons That Make Magento2 Worth The Upgrade

    Recently in November 2015, Magento announced to launch its 2.0 version for the enterprise and community edition. The news sent waves through the entire Magento community. Following the news, many agencies launched a variety of premium Magento2 extensions to facilitate your customers with the same features with a lot more functionality. While some were excited for the change, others are still in a fix, wondering “If Magento2 is worth the upgrade?”

    With the Magento2, no...

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  7. Important Security Updates for Magento

    Magento leads the league of global Open Source eCommerce platforms enjoying 10.21 % share in the top 1million Alexa top websites. This has been rated the most popular eCommerce platform around the globe, which offers a wide range of premium Magento extensions and themes for website owners to sell products better.

    Magento aims at serving the online merchants and buyers with most powerful features using eCommerce Extensions and unbeatable security and hence security updates are released to improve performance and security of the online shopping websites...

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  8. Reasons to Upgrade to Magento 2 Platform

    For the past couple of years, the hottest topic among global eCommerce industry has been the release of Magento2. People had been in a real fix about what improvements the company is going to offer for the Magento users and is there going to be a line of premium Magento2 extensions to bring functionalities to websites. 

    Now that it’s finally released, thousands of upgrades have already been made. While there’s no official statement available for the users about benefits of Magento2 over the previous ver...

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  9. Make Customers Feel Special with Free Gifts

    As an online retailer, your whole aim is always on making your customers feel special with whatever you can. While smooth navigation and better user experience are top priority for every visitor who is buying from the internet-based stores, free promotional gifts in Magento make them more than happy and add more products to cart to achieve more gifts.

    Free promotional gifts give a successful promotion opportunity for online shopping stores, which permit you to present freebies to the clients for particular items they purchase or whole order at your store.

    If you also want to offer freebies to customers to increase your business, but have no idea how to do it, Magento promotional extension  is what you need to make buying more beneficial for the shoppers.

    These extensions support variety of beneficial...

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  10. Supercharge Search Function on your Magento Store

    Ever wondered what would happen if you put all your products on the home page? It will be a scrolling nightmare for the online buyers. The home page may go even longer than the total distance from Los Angeles to Virginia cities. It’s going to give a headache for the users and hence using eCommerce extensions is important as a website cannot survive without a well-laid structure and search option.

    It is good that you use a goof search functionality at your store to help people find products they are looking for. It helps in closing the sale quicker.


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