The complicated checkout is the prime reason that drives customers to leave their cart without any hesitation. Your loyal customers will be purchasing from your store regardless of how difficult it is – but the new customers may be lost due to checkout complexity. Joining hands with premium Magento extensions to simplify the checkout process can help show all necessary information at the same time including shipping method, order reviews, billing address, and payment methods on a single page.

If you are aiming to offer a smooth and pleasant shopping experience to the online shoppers and motivate them to buy again, One Page checkout extension can positively affect your online store’s conversion rate. Every update occurs right on the checkout page without navigation. It reduces the default Magento 6-step checkout process to only one-step and increases the conversion rates by up to 40%.

One Step Checkout Magento Extension helps make the purchasing faster and faster and helps you stand out amongst others.

So, keeping in mind the importance of a simplified checkout process, we bring to you some super cool Magento extensions to let you give your sales a boost with just a single change:

One Page Tabbed Checkout

This extension brings a magical change to the sales reports of your store by reducing the default 6-step checkout process to only one-step, making purchase a smooth and fast process. This will help online customers to purchase products of choice quickly and increase sales.

This extension turns the checkout process into a one-minute action by simplifying the procedure. This helps promote customer interest and deliver a better user-experience so they become repeat customers owing to the simplicity of the website. One Page Tabbed Checkout Extension has been designed to look and perform amazing in all devices. Its responsive design caters to the needs of online buyers who use compact devices and love buying on-the-go. A responsive website is better received and appreciated by its audience.

How This Enhances Your Checkout Process

One Page Tabbed Checkout provides a unique feature through which the online buyers can skip cart page and move to the checkout page, which helps buyers save time and efforts. Customers don’t need to click “Next” button to enter information step by step or to refresh page when some modifications are required. The shorter is the route to complete purchase, the better sales are achieved.

Enhanced Checkout One-Step Tabbed Pro

Be more advanced than Magento default checkout process by gathering all the necessary steps into a single page without going back and forth with Enhanced Checkout One-Step Tabbed Pro. This specially designed extension can speed the checkout process up to over 10x times and boost sales rate by almost 22%. Enhanced Checkout One-Step Tabbed Pro supports major payment gateways of Magento and gives customers an option to select from their preferred payment method.


This extension comes with great control to the admin with an option to choose any of the tree layouts:

  1. Enhanced One Page Checkout
  2. One Page Tabbed Checkout
  3. Default Magento® checkout process

Its responsive design makes it popular among the next generation buyers who prefer using compact device to make the purchase even on-the-go. This extension is tested to work on mobile devices.


While a one page checkout Magento extension on a responsive website won’t necessarily perform better than the mobile apps, but integrating them to your store is a great choice to attract buyers those love to shop from their desktop or don’t want to affect their smartphones’ performance with a shopping app.

It can make the checkout optimization project easier to discuss and implement.