SoftProdigy Online Store


  1. Top Magento Theme Designs to Follow For eCommerce

    If you own an online shopping store, you already know how tough the competition in the market is now. Each day, many eStores are popping up like mushrooms after the rain and you don’t want to be left behind the competition. That’s why it’s important to be smart and think in advance about the trending theme designs that also work amazing with available premium Magento extensions

    Remember, it’s the website design that attract more consumers and keep them engaged at your store. So, make sure you are always looking for the trending theme designs as online buyers have become ...

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  2. Top Reasons Why Your Website Doesn’t Rank & How to Fix Them

    Finally you’ve launched your online shopping store with all the essential things, engaging content, images, and you’re ready for an influx to ultimately convert them. Everything looks good, but the website isn’t ranking for its target keywords. Wondering why? Basic SEO doesn’t work for online shopping stores and hence you need Magento Search Engine Optimization.

    Implementing right strategies can do wonders for your business as the studies claim that the websites that rank on Google’s first page grab 32.5% of traffic and 17.6% goes to the second page websites. T...

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  3. Buy Request a Quote Magento2 Extension & Get One Extension Free

    Magento holds a collective 25% market share of global eCommerce websites and the reason is quite simple – flexibility, better user experience, and scalability. Also, Magento continuously ensures your shopping store is secure with timely security patches. Magento2 modules like Request a Quote, Add Multiple Products to Cart, etc., ensure your store perform works amazingly stunning without any glitch and let buyers to enjoy greater feasibility.

    Why Magento Extensions?

    Whatever the functionality or feature you want to integrate at your online shopping store, Magento2 modules can do it for you. Every business has its own requirements and extensions make it easy f...

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  4. How Social Media Influences More Purchases for Ecommerce Store

    It’s no secret that social media rules everywhere. Almost every type of eCommerce business, start-up or large scale industry, can grow with the power of social media. It is the most affordable tool one can use for marketing their product on global scale. If combined with Premium Magento Extensions, social media becomes a game changer. 

    It is the only platform that one needs to follow to survive in this cut-throat competition with over 1.71 billion active users around the world. Although many people use these platforms to stay i...

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  5. One-Step Checkout Make Shopping Fun & Easy

    From user experience to smooth navigation and order shipment, everything plays a vital role in encouraging customers to purchase products from online shopping stores. Throughout the entire order placement process, what matters the most is the final step – Checkout. This make sense to provide your visitors a better shopping experience using premium Magento2 extensions.

    Having browsed through some prominent online shopping stores, we have met the default Magento2 checkout process quite boring and lengthy, which is enough to increase cart abandonment rate.


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  6. Try This and Visitors Won't Leave Your Store Without Purchasing

    You’ve developed an awesome Magento store. You’ve used best premium Magento extensions. You’ve worked on different kinds of marketing strategies. The products are amazing and alluring. But your visitors still leave your store without making a purchase and nothing seem to go according to the plans. What’s wrong with your online shopping store? Wondering what important elements you’ve missed? 

    There is something that you need to know to make your web-shop more productive and increase conversion rate by providing a little better experience to the visitors that land at your store.

    We’ve compiled a list of some very basic points that you may be missing out when entering the eCommerce business.

    Your Registration Form is Too Detailed


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  7. Close More Deals With Better Ecommerce Email Marketing

    In the eCommerce marketplace, there are so many ways to increase revenue that you can use. From optimizing the checkout process or allowing visitors to easily add multiple products to cart using Premium Magento Extensions all the way down to personalizing content in the emails, the tricks and tactics are seemingly endless.

    Emails can be the most effective way to not only drive more visitors, but also to increase revenue, because you are driving your happy customers to your website. Similar to the other methods of selecting the best revenue-driving...

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  8. 5 Simple Ways to Speed Up Your Magento Performance

    It’s no secret that Magento, owned by eBay, is one of the most trusted and used eCommerce platforms that online businesses prefer to choose to grow their business. We take every possible effort to enhance the performance of online store by using third-party Premium Magento Extensions, subscribing dedicated server etc., but there’s something more that can be done to improve its performance.

    Here we will discuss on the top ways to speed up your Magento store’s performance to ensure your store is delivering world-class performance and no sale is lost due to unsatisfying user experience or high abandonment rate.

    Methods to improve Magento store’s performance can range from server or hosting to Magento’s admin settings. Little efforts can greatly increase page-load...

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  9. Five Important Tips To Improve Your Magento Store

    After quite a long wait, the best season of the year is approaching and you have to be ready to attract more consumers and sell more by delivering unbeatable user experience. This is the time you must think over the optimizations and improvements of your online shop. In order to gain more traffic, you might need to integrate some Premium Magento extension and do a lot more to reap the benefits. 

    Make Sure Your Website is Mobile Friendly


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  10. Magento2 is Here – Are You Aware of The Facts and Rumors?

    The much talked about eCommerce platform, Magento is here with its upgraded version – Magento2. And developers have already started getting inundated with calls from global online retailers who are planning to migrate to the newer version and would want some new and cool features using Premium Magento2 Extensions.

    With overwhelming response for launch of Magento2, it’s clear that the market is ready to adopt the new technology and willi...

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