It’s no secret that Magento, owned by eBay, is one of the most trusted and used eCommerce platforms that online businesses prefer to choose to grow their business. We take every possible effort to enhance the performance of online store by using third-party Premium Magento Extensions, subscribing dedicated server etc., but there’s something more that can be done to improve its performance.

Here we will discuss on the top ways to speed up your Magento store’s performance to ensure your store is delivering world-class performance and no sale is lost due to unsatisfying user experience or high abandonment rate.

Methods to improve Magento store’s performance can range from server or hosting to Magento’s admin settings. Little efforts can greatly increase page-load speed and deliver unbeatable user experience at your web shop.

So, let’s dig into some simply but effective ways to improve its performance:

Enable Flat Categories & Products

Every online store contains attributes, which apply to categories and products stored in separate database tables. Flattening these attributes will put them all in one table of Magento retrieve. While it might seem a small change, but it will have a great positive impact on website’s performance and speed. Flattening attributes is a great choice for website with more than 1000 products.

Enable flat categories and products using the following path:

Magento admin, System > Configuration, Catalog > Catalog, Frontend. Select “Use Flat Product” and “Use Flat Catalog Category” to “Yes.”

Merge JSS & CSS Files

If you are already using Magento website, you would know that it has many CSS and Javascript files. Also the Magento modules and site customizations bring some more files. Merging these JSS and CSS files will combine all of them into one file which further results in enhanced page load speed and better performance.

Merge files using the following path:

Magento admin, System > Configuration, Advanced > Developer, JavaScript Settings, CSS Settings. Here select “Merge CSS” Files and “Merge Javascript” Files to “Yes”.

Enable Compilation

This allows Magento store admin to compile all installation files to create a single include path. Magento has designed the feature to improve Magento’s performance and offers page load speed from 25% to 50%. If your store is undergoing some extension installation, or code modifications, make sure compilation is disabled first.

Enable compilation using the following path:

Go to Magento admin, System > Tools > Compilation, select “Enable”. This single step will help take all the active scripts in Magento’s core structure and bring them to the front for enhanced web experience.

Caching Magento

It is a specially integrated feature to reduce the number of database operations required for each page request. This feature will help increase the performance of an average website. If you are using the server administration, you can do a lot more. You can go for the Magento caching extensions to speed up Magento performance.

Enable caching using the following path:

If you have got your website ready and want to give users a better experience, go to System > Cache Management. Set the action dropdown to “Enable” after selecting all files and then hit “Submit” button.

Get Extensions for More

If you are looking forward to integrate some unique features to your eCommerce store, always go for the Premium Magento Extension as they will help you keep the coding to a minimum and bring new features without any extra efforts or affecting your store’s performance.