In the eCommerce marketplace, there are so many ways to increase revenue that you can use. From optimizing the checkout process or allowing visitors to easily add multiple products to cart using Premium Magento Extensions all the way down to personalizing content in the emails, the tricks and tactics are seemingly endless.

Emails can be the most effective way to not only drive more visitors, but also to increase revenue, because you are driving your happy customers to your website. Similar to the other methods of selecting the best revenue-driving tactics, there are dozens of methods available to personalize your emails to ensure an effective email marketing campaign is carried out.

We spoke to the experts and several online shopping platforms to learn of their secret sauce and have come up with the most effective tips to help drive more revenue, however the effectiveness totally depends on your demographics, segmentation size, and of course your communication skills.

Test Creative Designs

If you’re using a standard promotional message, try to avoid subject lines and focus on testing creative designs. Following the increasing number of mobile users, subject lines have taken a back seat. Use these changes and you’ll see better conversion and more revenue.

For example, providing simplified message and more white space can work wonders on mobile devices.  Almost all the leading online shopping store use cleaner, shorter and effective emails to appeal to the mobile customers.

Add Personality, Interactivity, & Brevity

Gift are always great to attract the consumers. If you can tie a GIF into your email, it’s sure to do a good job of retaining consumers. Whether it’s the one that shows one or Iron Man or with Will Ferell & John C., they’re great to attract attention.

Interactivity is trending and customers love to get involved with the online activities. Try using different effects to keep the users engaged, just like the email from Uber. They use scroll-over effects with moving components to keep users engaged. Interactive emails are drastically trending upwards in today’s world. If you want to involve customers to your marketing campaign, try using Share Me Magento module and reward consumers for each share or tweet to do for your brand.

Whatever you want to say, just say it quick. Also make sure to provide them the opportunity to read more if they want to. The reason behind the success of Vine is that it can impart visual message in six seconds.

Mobile-Friendly Subject Line

Along with making the email graphics mobile-friendly, the subject like also has to be created according to the compact devices. Make it mobile-phone-preview ready as you have a very few characters to give the text preview. Try giving your 100% to those preview lines, because if you can encourage the customers to check your email, then you’re just one step away from the final decision.

Make Consumers Feel Special

When competing in the global eCommerce marketplace, you can’t afford to miss even a single individual. So make sure you email your contacts individually and not to the crowd in one time. Mass emails are a no-no. Make them feel special with their identity mentioned and with the catchy subject lines. Because you don’t want the emails to be deleted. Also, make sure your email is engaging enough to prompt the consumer to action. Try using some coupons, discounts along with a link to your newsletter or even a yummy recipe.

Try Not To Close Deal In Email

It’s the biggest mistake that most entrepreneurs make while writing their marketing emails. The whole idea behind sending the email to consumer is to put yourself in the mind of receiver and not to sell something right through it. Make it effective and attractive enough that they’re encouraged to check out your products at your store.

The best thing is to send one email in a month. The email should be written in a one-to-one style. It might describe how you miss the visitor or what special you have on the shelves for them depending upon their past purchase history.

Bottom Line

Next time you’re thinking to launch your email marketing campaign, try using these points and you’re sure to hit the bull’s eye with more visitors, conversions and sales. Also, it can be a great choice to use Multilingual Email Template Magento 2 Extension if you’re going to target visitors from other country as well. Using this extension, you’ll be able to make the consumer understand what you’re trying to say in the more attractive and effective way.