You’ve developed an awesome Magento store. You’ve used best premium Magento extensions. You’ve worked on different kinds of marketing strategies. The products are amazing and alluring. But your visitors still leave your store without making a purchase and nothing seem to go according to the plans. What’s wrong with your online shopping store? Wondering what important elements you’ve missed? 

There is something that you need to know to make your web-shop more productive and increase conversion rate by providing a little better experience to the visitors that land at your store.

We’ve compiled a list of some very basic points that you may be missing out when entering the eCommerce business.

Your Registration Form is Too Detailed

Online buyers just hate to fill those hectic and lengthy registration forms where they are forced to answer unnecessary questions. They visit your store just to make a purchase and not to write an autobiographical essay. The shorter you make their way to purchase, the more chances are they will complete the checkout process. Hence, stop overloading your registration form with countless fields, but make it an easy task.

Think of Real Customer While Creating Content

Text optimization is the most important factor to achieve better ranking on the search engines. Content helps you raise site visibility and attract more visitors. While creating content for your website, there is no need to spice it up with tones of SEO keywords just to please Google. Too much of keyword stuffing can turn the results negative and hence the best way to achieve great results is to maintain a balance between quality content for your customers and special words for Google.

Sort out the Mess at Your Store

I personally don’t like to visit the websites with countless advertisements and less products. Make sure your website is not overflowing with the paid advertisements and keep checking whether you have any categories with no products added. It makes a negative impact on the visitor. Just take away everything that can irritate your visitors. You can also enhance the user experience with eCommerce Modules as they are designed to bring great functionality to your store.

Don't Splash Your Offers in People's Face

Showing up related items can be a great marketing tool, only but if it’s done in the right way. Make sure you display only those items that are really relevant to customers’ search history and do not distract them from purchase.

Make sure the consumer is not frightened with hundreds of related items before they see the cart page.

Keep an Eye on out of Stock Products

Just what I already mentioned above, don’t let your store shelved and categories out of products. If visitors don’t find anything at your store, they are likely to visit another store. Try using Premium Magento Extensions to put an attractive notice on the front-end about out of stock products. It will also inform you when you need to refill the stock. This small step will prevent your visitors from disappointment.

Negative Reviews Bring Negativity

You can’t always please your customers even if you do your best. No matter how hard you work, but negative reviews are always likely to appear on your Magento eCommerce website. Big brands like Amazon and eBay never rush to remove negative reviews, but they take them as priceless feedback and try to cover them with positive reviews. This is what differentiate them from the crowd.


Here I the blog, we’ve covered almost all the mistakes that most online shoppers commit. These points might seem too obvious to discuss, but some experienced players too fall into the same trap again and again. Make sure you start providing better user experience to the visitors by examining your store right now.