Finally you’ve launched your online shopping store with all the essential things, engaging content, images, and you’re ready for an influx to ultimately convert them. Everything looks good, but the website isn’t ranking for its target keywords. Wondering why? Basic SEO doesn’t work for online shopping stores and hence you need Magento Search Engine Optimization.

Implementing right strategies can do wonders for your business as the studies claim that the websites that rank on Google’s first page grab 32.5% of traffic and 17.6% goes to the second page websites. The number of visitors continues to decrease from there on and only 0.4% is left for those listed on 15th page of Google.

The reason is simple, hardly any consumer goes to the second page. Do you? Of course, you don’t as you’ve best options available at the first page.

If you want to understand how your website ranking is determined by Google, then you have to know the flaws in your strategy and fix them, before your website gets hit.

How Google Determines Your Website’s Rank

The list could be quite lengthy as Google uses nearly 200 factors to determine your website’s visibility, but we’ve listed some of the most common and effective ones that influence over the rank of your site.

Keywords in the title tag, description tag & H1 tag

On-page SEO is best strategy for better Google ranking and title tag is the most important factor that Google considers when listing your website as searchers look for your targeted keywords. Title tags that begin with a keyword achieve better raking than those with the keywords in another position.

Also, H1 and descriptions make a great difference as they help Google determine how relevant your content is to users’ search.

Image optimization

Unlike other websites, eCommerce sites have countless images to demonstrate products listed on shelves. However, people usually underestimate the importance of image optimization when running SEO for Magento. Image optimization ca be a game changer for eCommerce business as people also use Google to find visual content.

Site loading speed

I bet you’ve heard the fact – no visitor remains on a web page for more than 4 seconds. If your website fails to perform its best in these 4 seconds, then you’re visitor is likely to move to your competitors’ website. This is why Google gives preference to websites that load faster.

All your website pages should load faster, not only to provide better experience to visitors, but also for the purpose of Magento Search Engine Optimization.

Content update time

Google just hates websites that are outdated and hence its Caffeine search index is always focused on introducing latest content to the users. This is to ensure that the users find fresh information through the queries.

The frequency of page update is also equally important as the last update.

Broken links

If your website is having too many of broken links, this means you’re least interested to maintain it. No matter how great information or products your website may be serving, but Google will always discriminate neglected or abandoned sites. Google’s Search Quality Rating Guidelines emphasize that broken links and poor maintained websites are untrustworthy source of information.

Things You Can Do to Improve Website’s Search Engine Rank

I hope you’ve understood why your website is unable to get placed on first page of Google. If you’ve recognized any of the above mentioned fields listed above, then you should start working to fix them. For example, if you’re not having unique content on pages, you should immediately start getting deeper into SEO and fix the issue.

Here are few more tips you can use to get your website rank better on Google:

Update Social Profiles

Your social media profile offers you a great opportunity to share to your website links. If you don’t have a social media profile, then get one and keep updating it regularly. Add the link to the homepage to all profiles for promotional purpose.

Submit sitemap on Google webmaster tool

Don’t have Google Webmaster account? You better create one today and make sure you add the link to the sitemap in the settings. Your site map will notify Google about the pages you’ve published.

Incoming links from influential websites

There’s a purpose people write guest blogs, sometime even pay to get their blogs posted on influential websites. They provide better incoming links, which makes a better impact on better Google ranking and improving the reputation of your site.

Update great content… every time!

It’s the content that make your website trustworthy, hence it has to be relevant and reliable. Update products with fresh descriptions, so Google will notice your sharp maintenance. Remember, it’s never bad to write resourceful and detailed content for products and pages you launch.


The biggest mistake that people commit while trying to rank eCommerce websites on #1 Google is that they mix the strategies that are used for a common website and those specially designed for eCommerce. SEO for Magento is something different to the normal blog or other websites. Make sure to consult a professional for better results as one-size-fits-all method never works in Search Engine Optimization.