SoftProdigy Online Store


  1. Grab 30%, 40%, & 50% Discount This Christmas

    Ho ho ho! Santa’s here.

    The festival season is finally here and because every eCommerce website is preparing to get ready for the year’s biggest sales, Soft Prodigy brings to you great discount offer on Magento services. 

    The Christmas & New Year deals offer the following benefits to Magento store owners:

    • 30% Discount on Magento2 Extensions
    • 40% Discount on eCommerce Development
    • 50% Discount on Magento Extension Packages

    The above mentioned discounts can be availed at the Soft Prodigy. The offer is valid for exclusively Magento store users and valid from December 16 to 25, 2016.

    In order to make the process easier, we have eliminated the need of coupon codes to grab this discount offer. Anyone who want to get the discount can visit our company website and select ...

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  2. 5 Advantages to Using Paytm to Sell Online

    Paytm  is one of the largest online payment processors in India and around the world. After the demonetization, there has been a significant increase in the number of users as this is the only reliable platform allowing online and offline buyers to go cashless while having the feel to carry cash in a mobile wallet. 

    If you’re an online retailers, bothered about the reduced sales from India region, you may be surprised to know how many people in India are using this platform and Paytm integration can seem fruitful. After you review the following advantages to using PayPal to sell online, you will likely want to integrate the payment gateway yourself.

    Credit & Security

    When sign up for Paytm account, users are required to attach it with their bank account or type in the credit cards they wish to use for purchases one time on this secure Paytm system. This is a one-time p...

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  3. Boomerooming' Is the New Shopping Trend

    Latest researches revealed an interesting fact – 62% online consumers in UK are boomerooming right now!

    The research conducted by expert marketers was commissioned to improve their understanding of the consumers’ journey and how it affects the online retailers. SoftProdigy wanted to know how consumer’s research affects their decision on whether to buy online or in-store.

    If you have not been living under a rock for past any years then you’ll undoubtedly have heard the new buzzwords: 'showrooming' and 'webrooming'. While the number of people doing showrooming is more than those who’re engaged in webrooming and the reason here is clear – lucrative deals and online stores with unique features using premium Magento extensions.

    The researchers have also revealed a new type of shopping behavior that we call 'bo...

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  4. The First Impression of WordPress 4.7 Release

    Without a doubt, WordPress is the most used and trusted Content Management System, powering more than 26% of the websites over the internet. The platform is developing day by day and so is the number of people considering WordPress development. It’s something you can observe in the many minor and major changes that took effect this year.


    After the major releases, WordPress 4.5 “Coleman,” and WordPress 4.6 “Pepper,” it is time to come across another...

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  5. 3 Marketing Emails You Should be Sending this Season

    Whether you consider yourself festive or not, there’s no escaping from the enthusiasm and excitement that often prevails during the festival season. The period generates 50-100% more revenue compared to rest of the year. This is the reason every online store must be prepared with Premium Magento Extensions and Engaging Themes to attract more consumers and sell more.


    It’s crucial to plan marketing strategies to leverage the opportunities tha...

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  6. Best Ways to Offer Free Shipping for Online Customers

    A lot of big brands like eBay, Amazon, and Walmart offer free shipping, but it’s a lot harder for the small businesses to cover delivery cost and still make a profit with their online shopping platform. The first way to reduce the financial loss is to integrate premium Magento extensions and attract more consumers to your business and sell more.

    Let’s take a look at the benefits of offering free shipping, different ways to implement free shipping offer and what you need to be careful of.

    Should You Offer Free Shipping?

    According to figures, over 58% of online shoppers claim to add products to their cart only if there’s free shipping available. Here’s how free shipping could help your business.

    Compete with brick-and-mortar stores...

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  7. Accept Payment via Reliable Platforms with Payment Gateway Integration Services

    The surprise move of Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, to invalidate some 86 per cent of the value of rupees in circulation has caused chaos as hundreds of millions of people. Those who’re having black money, in form of Rs 500 and 1,000 notes, under their bedsheets are figuring out what to do with it. While others are quite happy with the move and appreciating as well.


    While the ruling government is claiming it to be a great step towards strengthening the condition of...

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  8. How to Use Countdown Ads For Your Festival Offers

    Ever wanted to have time sensitive call to action in products listed on your eCommerce store? It’s now possible with multiple premium Magento2 extensions making the job easier than ever before. These modules have been around for quite a long time, but if you’ve never considered using them now should be the time.



    The festival season is approaching and you don’t...

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  9. Best Premium Magento Extensions for Your Store

    So you’ve just shifted to the Magento? It’s a great choice and opportunities are endless. This is more robust, secure, flexible, easy-to-understand, user-friendly, mobile-friendly and lets your visitors enjoy a great time as long as they’re exploring your products.

    But, there’s something you would want to know about Magento – your previous extensions or plugins are not going to work anymore. Looking for the best premium Magento2 extensions can be a hectic task since you need to identify which extension to install and which development company is trust-worthy. Well, keep reading for the best suggestions.


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  10. Welcome Some New Magento Extensions to the Family

    Magento is the first choice of every enthusiastic online retailer to set his foot in the eCommerce marketplace. Advantages of using Magento are multifold like ability to customize, user-friendliness, premium Magento modules, multi-site functionality, SEO friendliness, speed, cross-sell, features, and so forth. The features, altogether, make the website operational in a convenient way for both the merchants and consumers.

    Along with multiple promotional methods to attract new consumers and retain the existing ones, there are other criteria to be considered and one of them is Magento module integration.

    Let’s checkout a few of the Magento modules that can be great choice to boost your online business:

    Enhanced One-Page Checkout

    It ensures smooth and convenient s...

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