SoftProdigy Online Store


  1. How To Make The Most From Google AdWords Expanded Headlines?

    If you’re running AdWords PPC campaigns or Magento Search engine Optimization campaign, then you would already understand how Google has expanded text ads. Unlike before, you now have two 30-character headlines and one 80-character description line with two 15-character URL path fields.

    All the changes have been made to make it easier to create responsive PPC ads that will work across different devices. Because Google supports mobile platforms and admits there are occasions where better results can be achieved by targeting users on a set device like smartphone.

    What Makes a Good Ad?

    When it comes to making winning PPC ads, there are many elements involved, but to start with you want to consider the two main components.

    Speak directly to the searcher!

    Prepare y...

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  2. Great Ways to Market Your Ecommerce Website

    With the Valentine’s Day on its way, come new challenges and new opportunities. Millions of people all around the world are going to gift something to their loved ones and buying from the online shopping portals is going to be their first choice, so are you prepared for the season of love? Installing premium Magento extensions to make the experience more comfortable, branding your store for improved visibility and offering exciting offers can be great choice to be the winner of this season.

    You may be having great products listed on your store, but you might lose the game if your store is not visible to the online buyers. And the reason is simple – we’re living in a highly competitive world. In order to get on the top, here are some great techniques for marketing your Magento store, all of which are guaranteed to improve your...

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  3. Magento2’s Checkout Improvements Can Reduce Abandoned Carts

    The Magento2 is introduced with a number of improvements in checkout process and changes to its visual appeal and general flow. With multiple Magento 2 extensions and themes, handling eCommerce platform is a better experience now. What’s more, a total overhaul mean it is now driven with KnockoutJS and Javascript.

    It’s no secret that streamlining the checkout process is one of the most effective ways to reduce abandoned cart rate and increase conversion. But are you capitalizing on the technology tools to help streamline the experience you deliver? The checkout experience on the previous versi...

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  4. We Know How To Build Magento2 Ecommerce Stores

    Magento2 was launched with many cool things like better security, more flexibility, and faster loading, but what’s the greatest thing about the latest version of Magento is its new User Interface. A number of improvements have been made to enhance the eCommerce stores and improve the back-end usability, making Magento2 development the perfect choice for eCommerce business.


    According to the statistics, Magento currently holds 14% of the market share for eCommerce...

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  5. How to Encourage Your Amazon Buyers to Visit Your Online Shop

    When opening an online shopping portal after the success made on Amazon, sellers should try to make the most of their existing new venture by bringing the customers already gained on Amazon to their online. Using Premium Magento Extensions can be one way to promote your existing social media platforms.

    This guide will help you put right efforts to attract people that have shopped with you on Amazon, to your online shop. 

    You already have customers

    Those who’ve already purchased your products via Amazon are clearly interested in your products and are more likely to be interested in a wider selection of products and can kick-start the interest towards your online shop. Amazon is an amazing way to create a pool of customer, before you’ve even begun.

    Drive tra...

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  6. Online Price Negotiation Doubles Website Conversion for Online Bakery

    With Greece millennial spending surpassing $1 billion annually, confectionary e-retailer Tsitsas is filling the void in the market for delicious and freshly baked confectionary products. The brand was established in 1980 and then finally decided to go virtual because most of its consumers were looking for them on virtual world. People wanted to enjoy their products with the freedom to order online, and Magento extension for request a quote to get things at cheaper cost.

    Tsitsas strives to include a personal touch to the products and services while making buying fun and easy for those who’re always up for eating something amazing. One of the ways it does this is through an amazingly designed Magento store, which helps attract visitors from search engines, and also promote things on various channels like social media platforms to connect with the consumers...

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  7. Get Prepared To Conquer the Market In 2017

    Finally it’s the 2017 and with another New Year celebrations around the world come many challenges for the online shopping giants. No matter which market your online shopping platform is targeting and no matter what kind of products you are selling, you should expect to increase your turnover significantly this year, because the number of online buyers is growing, and the market is expanding. 


    If you’ve not yet made plans for the 2017, you still have enough time to shape your marketing campaigns, to come up with solutions how you’re going to transform your store, and how you’re...

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  8. Prescription Lens Configurator Magento2 Extension

    Online shopping is trending these days. No matter what you’re selling, clothing, watches, shoes, track wear, travel gear or electronics, more and more people are buying online. Similar to the other products, online prescription lens stores are also gaining popularity with people finding them more convenient and reliable than the local optical store.

    However, handling online store for prescription lenses can be a bit difficult than the other types of stores as buyers need to upload correct prescription online to get the product and lenses prepared specifically for their eyes. A specially designed plugin can make the process easier for the seller.

    Prescription Lens Configurator Magento2 Extension will help you to make fast and good start. This is a simple plug-and-play module, allowing o...

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  9. Amazing Ways to Find eCommerce Blog Topics for Your Online Retail Store

    If you have an online retail store, you must also have an active blog page on it. However, because you’re not a professional writer, you might run out of ideas when managing the blog so here we are with the best ways to find topic ideas for it to be able to market your store effectively in the long run. 



    With this article, you won’t be struggling with such problems. While looking for the professional eCommerce developers and Magento...

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  10. Magento eCommerce Trends For 2017

    So, finally it’s Happy New Year! And everyone out there is busy celebrating the arrival of the fresh breeze of year 2017. As an online retailer, you must be busy preparing the holiday calendars to launch lucrative deals, but make sure to keep in mind the eCommerce trends that will hugely affect your store sales in 2017.



    Using innovative premium Magento extensions is a sure-shot...

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