When opening an online shopping portal after the success made on Amazon, sellers should try to make the most of their existing new venture by bringing the customers already gained on Amazon to their online. Using Premium Magento Extensions can be one way to promote your existing social media platforms.

This guide will help you put right efforts to attract people that have shopped with you on Amazon, to your online shop. 

You already have customers

Those who’ve already purchased your products via Amazon are clearly interested in your products and are more likely to be interested in a wider selection of products and can kick-start the interest towards your online shop. Amazon is an amazing way to create a pool of customer, before you’ve even begun.

Drive traffic directly from Amazon without breaching policies

As you already know, Amazon has strict regulations when it comes to sharing seller contact details or links and it isn’t worth attempting to break them. The strict rules makes it difficult for the sellers to redirect users to their website, however it isn’t impossible.

Using your brand name along with the product will make consumers aware about your brand. I personally have a habit of checking out the brand and other collection when purchasing from Amazon. Many people prefer checking out the collection at Amazon’s social media page. You may be able to attract a wider consumer by simply sharing your website link there. Try using Magento extensions for social media sharing.

Drive traffic after they make a purchase

Once they’ve made a purchase via Amazon, the packaging they receive should inform them about your online shopping store, here’s how to do it:

While your business may be new, but never go for the cheap packaging material. An attractive design and packaging will surely draw more attention but printing your store’s URL will let customers see what you want them to. This helps to give your business a professional look.

Avoid sending the standard invoice with Amazon logo in your package, print out the same order summary sheet that customers shopping at your online shop would receive.

Including leaflets, thank you notes or product brochures that feature your website or brand name will also let them know that you have an online portal too. Get separate brochures printed for different categories to let buyers have a look at other products available in the category they just purchased from. Attractive looking business or thank you cards are more likely to be passed on to someone who might be interested in your shop.

Encourage buyers to keep coming to your store

Once you’re able to make the first sale to a customer that you found on Amazon via your online shopping platform, you have successfully broken down the barrier of that customer wanting to shop from the Amazon. Now it’s time to work on retaining the buyer.

Integrate Magento extensions to launch attractive deals, offer gift-wrapped products, send reminders for special events, secure payment process, one-page checkout and a lot more to make the shopping fun, easy and reliable to the buyers. Try offering ‘request a quote’ feature as no buyer is going to return to Amazon if he (or she) is able to bargain over the price tag when shopping from your website.

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