If you’re running AdWords PPC campaigns or Magento Search engine Optimization campaign, then you would already understand how Google has expanded text ads. Unlike before, you now have two 30-character headlines and one 80-character description line with two 15-character URL path fields.

All the changes have been made to make it easier to create responsive PPC ads that will work across different devices. Because Google supports mobile platforms and admits there are occasions where better results can be achieved by targeting users on a set device like smartphone.

What Makes a Good Ad?

When it comes to making winning PPC ads, there are many elements involved, but to start with you want to consider the two main components.

Speak directly to the searcher!

Prepare your content as one-to-one conversation – I can help you!

What’s compelling about what you are offering?

Try including price, range, flexibility, experience, offers, exclusivity, etc.

Try using insights from the above mentioned areas and stay clear with your ad content. This will help you craft engaging ads that convert to both leads and sales.

Focus on Headlines

Headline is the most effective and engaging part of your ad, it will get the most attention with its big blue text. Now that Google has expanded the ads, they give you more than twice the space you had before. Make every character count!

If they’re not getting the results you wanted, then ask yourself are your ads clear and compelling? Would you like to click on such ad when you come across on Google search result page?

Along with the extra space for headline text, Google has also added a line break, which one needs to take into consideration when launching AdWords PPC.

Make sure what device your customers prefer to use and test your ad headlines accordingly to use this line break to your advantage.

Where to Put Your CTA

The strategic placement of Call To Action (CTA) makes a big difference to the success or failure of the AdWords PPC. This makes sense for your CTA to be in the headline and you now have the space to do this. I would prefer using headline 1 to highlights and headline 2 for the CTA.

This is called the “Why & What” of the ad!

While this is a great strategy to get more clicks and successfully enjoy your Magento SEO, you should always test variations and feel free to switch things if you get better results with the change.

Never limit your ad content to one variant, but prepare minimum two variants so you and keep testing your headlines and do change these periodically for better results.

Play by the Rules

The last piece of advice here is to follow Google’s policies on AdWords. These guidelines haven’t been changed and sticking to them will prevent you from stop wasting time on ads being disapproved.