Finally it’s the 2017 and with another New Year celebrations around the world come many challenges for the online shopping giants. No matter which market your online shopping platform is targeting and no matter what kind of products you are selling, you should expect to increase your turnover significantly this year, because the number of online buyers is growing, and the market is expanding. 


If you’ve not yet made plans for the 2017, you still have enough time to shape your marketing campaigns, to come up with solutions how you’re going to transform your store, and how you’re going to engage more visitors using Magento extensions.

But if you’d wait a little longer, you’ll inevitably lag behind your competitors.

You don’t have to be an innovator in every field:

Trends are called trends because we’re not talking about suddenly emerging phenomena here, but about the predictable processes.

By keeping pace with the trends you don’t need to be afraid that one of your competitors will outpace you in the marketplace because the company actively monitors the market.

Real-time analytics & reach

Using the most recent analytical methods, you can follow your customers not solely based on their past shopping behavior. Many premium Magento extensions are able to tag the visitors and follow them real-time continuously through the different channels.

The modules help you know much more about what your users and buyers do in your eCommerce store and why they do that – you can see what’s the trending item, which one gets the most clicks and views, where customers move on to after leaving you and you can target them continuously in line with that with the most appropriate message in the given situation.

Mobile penetration is spreading

We’ve already written articles about the importance of mobile devices and how more and more purchases are made through various smart devices. Overall, however, the conversion rate is still low compared to the desktop.

This is not going to be the case in next few years. Researchers expect a significant growth in eCommerce marketplace from mobile phone users by even as much as 50% in 2017.

Make customer path story-oriented

Find out where the eCommerce giants are capable of making their users commit themselves emotionally. It can be a great step to let visitors how well a product worked for people similar to them, and how much happier it has made their lives.

Try to evoke some kind of an emotion instead of trying to influence logic at first. Then reinforce the commitment of the customer with that later.

Social media takes control

There’s a great number of people who get their shopping tips from their friends or from past clients of a brand on social networking platforms. A smart eRetailer can find several Magento social media extensions that will help him stabilize his presence on social sites and increase click-through rate and the return increases because of that.

Nowadays, users are more actively involved in taking reviews about a product or brand on social media as they believe the website reviews as fake, and are posted by the seller himself.

Quicker delivery

Most online buyers will be happy to get their products delivered same day or next day they order online. In case of the American customers what works best is same day delivery: more and more ecommerce stores undertake that they deliver what you order on the same day.

While it may be difficult to offer same-day delivery to all locations, large companies like Amazon are testing several different methods to shorten the average 5-7 day delivery that otherwise feels almost like forever, to a 1-2 day delivery.

One great way for quicker delivery is crowd delivery, where the company doesn’t use the postal service but simply let the community deliver the package within the shortest possible time.