SoftProdigy Online Store


  1. Is Mobile Shopping Causing Death To Desktop Browsing?

    From those heavy-weight flip-flop mobiles to highly advanced smartphones that are capable of doing multi-tasking without causing the performance, we can safely say that access to the information is just a tap away and the trend is going to stay in future as well. Without a doubt Magento development stands at the forefront when considering to enter the online shopping world, but mobiles are trending these days when it comes to buying. 

    The modern people now expect connectivity wherever they are and on whatever device they are using. This is the time that online businesses to catch up and understand their connected customers.

    Now the question arises, ‘Is mobile app usage causing death to desktop browsing?’ Well, yes and not!

    Yes because the number of mobile pho...

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  2. Reasons That Make Having a Responsive Website Necessary

    The eCommerce marketplace, today, has turned into a competitive industry with great opportunities to growth as billions of people around the world are using online shopping platforms to make purchases. Ecommerce development and design trends have evolved a lot in the recent years. The website must not be only eye-catching, faster performing and user-friendly, but there are many other elements for a successful website.

    We are witnessing the next level of online shopping – mCommerce. Shopping trends via mobile devices has been skyrocketing over the last few years. 

    Difference between Responsive & Mobile Design

    Responsive website is designed in a way to offer a better appearance of website on all devices. These websites are coded in a way that they are able to adapt any screen size. On the other hand, if you are using mobile template then you need two different versions of the same w...

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  3. Top Reasons to Select Magento for Ecommerce Development

    Worldwide retail eCommerce sales touch $1.915 trillion in 2016. Nearly 2.8 billion people are using smartphones with and 70% of the smartphone users purchasing products from online retail stores. Find anything common here? It’s the growing number of people using online shopping platforms to purchase products they need. Today, online business has become more important for growing larger sales volumes over physical stores and eCommerce development is something you can’t avoid, especially if you want to take the lead in industry.

    In order to take your business to the virtual world, there are many eCommerce frameworks available that are evolved to improve the overall looks of the website and the functionality to let online buyers enjoy the convenience while browsing through the website and make purchase easily. In the...

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  4. Get Tier Price in Custom Module or Template in Magento2

    Some time we might need to get product tier prices shown as per our custom requirement, like in popup to show product detail, or any custom page in magento2.




    If you want to get Tier price for product view page in you custom module or template then you can try this code:


    $proViewBlock = $this->_objectManager->get("Magento\Catalog\Pricing\Render");





    echo $proViewBlock->toHtml();...

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  5. Modernize Your Healthcare Business with an Advanced App

    Over the past decade, smartphones have changed many aspects of our everyday lives from booking movie tickets to traveling to shopping. Medicine is next. With innovative technology of mobiles and machine learning, the medicalized smartphone is going to upend every aspect of health care. The next here is the patients taking center stage for the first time. This makes sense in start thinking about investment for the Magento app development for your healthcare business.

    Modernizing your healthcare business is going to give the patients a better, convenient and reliable platform that makes buying medicines and consulting with the experts a minute’s task.

    Custom app development can be fully personalized to suit your particular business needs. The app can be easily altered by the experts t...

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  6. Stand out from the Crowd with Google's Callout Extension

    Using Magento Extensions and Google AdWords for brand promotion is an amazing marketing strategy, but did you know the results can be even better by adding a little more into this? Let me introduce to you the Google Callout Extension. The callout extension allows the online businesses to place additional text in their search ads in order to advertise their products further.



    What Are Callout Extensions?

    They’re not like the other plugins or extensions available by third-parties. The callout extensions are additional 25 character text extensions, offering some extra space to your Google AdWords ads that could potentially lead to a significantly higher click through rate.

    The callout extensions highlight specific information about your products and s...

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  7. How to Increase the Battery life of Your Mobile Device

    I bet you can’t imagine a day without your mobile device. Without a mobile device we all feel lost and this is why we all want to make sure enough battery in our smartphones with internet connectivity which lets us stay connected to the world. A longer battery life lets us explore the mobile shopping apps, social media platforms and use the text message apps and keep in touch with what’s trending. While the battery of new mobile devices may be great for the first week, but later it starts to decline.

    In such conditions, you might want to try some amazing tricks to get more juice from your iPhone and Android smartphone batteries.

    For Android

    Do some detective work


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  8. Site Search Feature Helps Supercharge Your SEO Campaign

    As an eCommerce business owner, you must understand the importance of better search engine ranking as you can’t expect better sales if you’re not there on the first page of Google and other search engines. While we all go for website customization to bring better features, but did you know that a Premium Magento Extension can also be your support to outrank your competitors on search engines? 

    Enhanced Ajax Auto Complete Search module is one of the easiest ways to boost your SEO ranking, while ensuring customer satisfaction by providing them with vastly superior shopping experience.

    Here’s a quick guide on how an intelligent site search and navigation can help you boost your SEO efforts.

    Visitors Want Better Site Search

    More than 30% of online buyers prefer using...

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  9. Are Free Magento Extensions Really Free?

    Most open source content management systems like WordPress, Magento and Shopify have the ability to add additional functionalities through the use of plugins or modules. Magento extensions and modules for other CMSs come with great benefits of making the websites easy-to-navigate and make purchases easier for the online shoppers.

    In many cases they can be free to download, but one needs to consider the hidden costs and implications of using them.

    Is it compatible to your website?

    When using the fresh copy of a content management system, you probably won’t encounter m...

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  10. How to Create an Impressive Ecommerce Business Website

    No matter what business you are operating, healthcare products, clothing, floral store, gift items, electronics, etc., website management has become an integral part of any business in this tech savvy era. For a successful business, your website must be engaging and appealing enough to attract more visitors and sell more. Magento website development is the cheapest and the most impactful means of marketing than the traditional methods.

    While eCommerce websites bring great opportunities, but managing it can get quite confusing as there are many factors affecting the success of your online shopping store. There are various additional ways to boost the performance of your website. Here are some tips to ensure an impressive website:

    Your business unique, and so should be the website


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