The eCommerce marketplace, today, has turned into a competitive industry with great opportunities to growth as billions of people around the world are using online shopping platforms to make purchases. Ecommerce development and design trends have evolved a lot in the recent years. The website must not be only eye-catching, faster performing and user-friendly, but there are many other elements for a successful website.

We are witnessing the next level of online shopping – mCommerce. Shopping trends via mobile devices has been skyrocketing over the last few years. 

Difference between Responsive & Mobile Design

Responsive website is designed in a way to offer a better appearance of website on all devices. These websites are coded in a way that they are able to adapt any screen size. On the other hand, if you are using mobile template then you need two different versions of the same website. You can also obtain a subdomain for mobile website for example

Reasons to Develop a Responsive Website

As mentioned above, one need not to go for a subdomain for the same website to open it on mobile devise. No need to create multiple versions of the same website. Here are some reasons to go for responsive Magento website development.

Attract More Users

According to studies, it’s been found that nearly 40% of online shoppers browse internet on the smartphones. 30% of total online sales are made via mobile devices. This means without a responsive website you can’t target the users who are actively using smartphone to browse internet and make purchases. No one would want to wait to reach their destination and open your website that works better on desktop systems and not on the compact devices. With a responsive website, you can increase your customer base and sales.

Better Search Engine Ranking

Recently, Google announced to hit the website that are not having their mobile versions. While there are many factors that lead to poor search engine rankings, but this has been reported to be the biggest one for poor performance of various stores on the search engines. Search engines reward the sites which provide mobile friendly experience.  

Save on Marketing Mobile Version of Website

If you create two versions of your website or develop a mobile app, you need to create a different marketing strategy for mobile specific version. With a responsive website, you can save great amount of funds as you need not to spend extra money for marketing the mobile version. Of course investing in Magento SEO will help achieve better rankings, but the results can be more fruitful with a responsive website.

No More Duplicate Content

Having two different versions of your Magento store means you need to put some extra efforts to publish product on both the sites with double time required to write content. If both the versions have the same content, then you are likely to face trouble as Google simply doesn’t like such website. Your site can be panelized for duplicate content.

Improved User Experience

Because the modern buyers are always on the go and love to make purchases whenever they get time. No matter what they’re doing, working, walking, traveling, your responsive website always lets them shop when they want to. Great user experience is the key to improved conversions and responsive website makes it possible for you.

Responsive Adapts to Future Devices

As we know mobile shopping is trending and it’s going to flourish in the future as well. One of the biggest advantages of having a responsive eCommerce website is that you don’t need to worry about the future of your business. Responsive website can adapt any screen size easily.

Having a responsive Magento website is not an option anymore as it has become a necessity that really impacts the growth of your online business.