Ever wanted to have time sensitive call to action in products listed on your eCommerce store? It’s now possible with multiple premium Magento2 extensions making the job easier than ever before. These modules have been around for quite a long time, but if you’ve never considered using them now should be the time.



The festival season is approaching and you don’t want to miss out on even a single consumer visiting your store. Because 25% of online shoppers begin their Christmas shopping before Halloween countdown promotional advertisements and offers can help your store stand out from the crowd!

The formula is simple; you launch an offer with great discount coupled with countdown timer that counts down to the deadline. This helps you create a sense of urgency in the special offers. Visitors are encouraged to click the offer and grab the deal before it ends. The countdown timer informs visitors of how long the offer will last.

It could look like this:

The ad will automatically deactivate once the countdown timer is over. This sense of urgency really helps your ads click through rate!

Why Daily Deals Magento2 Extension?

This is a specially prepared Magento2 extension, designed to make it a better deal for the online buyers with attractive appearance of product offers. This helps store owners to create day-to-day deals for multiple products at one time easily and quickly. This extension integrates your store with a limited deal feature to motivate your customers to buy more.

It demonstrates your current, past, and future deals in three tabs. Each promotional offer will also display the benefits that buyer will get with the product, clearly showing how much money they save.  

Key Features:

Attractive Countdown Timer Interface

The countdown timer makes it easier for the store owners to grab consumers’ attention with the timer displaying ‘ending soon deals’ with customized fonts, making it look more attractive and appealing.

All Deals in Three Tabs

This extension allows online buyers to checkout all available promotional offers with three tabs, including Current deals, Past deals and Upcoming deals in the listing page.

Deals Displayed Below Products

Current deal on a product can be displayed flexibly just below the product that you would like to sell more and attract more and more consumers easily.

Promotional Offer Rules

Store admin can easily set multiple rules for the offer. For example, the number of units that may be sold under a particular promotion. The deal will automatically end once the number of units is sold.

Automatic Activation/Deactivation

With Daily Deals Magento2 Extension, deals are automatically activated and deactivated on the basis of present activated time. For example, you set the time for ad and it’s activated and then later the deals are automatically disabled after deal ends.

Easy To Configure

This is a flexible Magento2 module, allowing store owner to easily configure deals and upload own sale labels to attract more consumers and give a boost to the festival sale.