The surprise move of Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, to invalidate some 86 per cent of the value of rupees in circulation has caused chaos as hundreds of millions of people. Those who’re having black money, in form of Rs 500 and 1,000 notes, under their bedsheets are figuring out what to do with it. While others are quite happy with the move and appreciating as well.


While the ruling government is claiming it to be a great step towards strengthening the condition of Indian currency at international level and to eliminate corruption at a wider level, many sectors are badly hit with this step including eCommerce. If you own an online retail store then you must have denied to accept Rs 500 and 1,000 notes on products with Cash on Delivery. When many people are not comfortable in providing their credit card details to your online shopping platform, Cash on Delivery is the only way left.

But, there’s something more you can do to maintain the flow of order placements at your store without asking for consumers’ credit card details – payment gateway Integration.

Considering the gravity of problem faced by various online shopping platforms, SoftProdigy brings to you an affordable option to facilitate your consumers to pay via their own reliable payment gateway with payment gateway integration at just $45.

No matter what country you are located. When you want to ship products to India, you must need a reliable payment gateway to accept payments because there’s no use in accepting the currency that is no longer used in India.

No coupon code is required for the Payment gateway integration service. Simply click the given link and register yourself for it.

Happy festival season and thanks to all of our partners for being terribly wonderful!