Whether you consider yourself festive or not, there’s no escaping from the enthusiasm and excitement that often prevails during the festival season. The period generates 50-100% more revenue compared to rest of the year. This is the reason every online store must be prepared with Premium Magento Extensions and Engaging Themes to attract more consumers and sell more.


It’s crucial to plan marketing strategies to leverage the opportunities that come with the season and because email is the most affordable, effective, and result-oriented marketing channel to support your holiday marketing campaigns, you can deliver the campaign on a mass scale with a good use of automation.

We’ve created this cheatsheet that gives you the run-down on three essential emails you should send this holiday season.

Welcome Mail

In order to maximize revenue potential, it is crucial for marketers and online store owners to bulk out their database as much as possible.

For the new or small brands, a welcome program is the most important automated campaign to set up for promotion. It’s also a great opportunity to tell your brand’s success story and showcase your USPs with some highly admired products.

When initiating a conversation with new subscribers, a welcome email counts as your first impression, and you get only one shot to make it count. So, just get it right!

Appreciate their gesture to select your brand

For every new visitor joining your brand, it’s good to show appreciation with some discount offers or a free gift coupon in the welcome email. Make sure to get your email template designed by a skilled professional and keep it engaging enough to get it clicked.

Reactivation Campaign

The festival season is the right time to pay extra attention to those who we may have neglected throughout the year. Reports claim that 70% of existing customer will be enticed by promotions to shop with the brand they’ve already purchased from.

A well-thought and smart reactivation email campaign can help convert the hibernators in your contact list into active customers for an impressive holiday return.

When planning a reactivation email campaign, make sure to use the subject line and pre-heading text in a way that they work together to emphasize the exclusivity of the offer.

If you own an online retail store with global presence, try using multilingual email template Magento extension  to manage email templates for different languages just by selecting location.

Cart Abandonment Campaign

Now that you’re offering great discount to the new and existing consumers, why neglect those who’ve already having some products added to their cart? A triggered cart abandonment campaign is a great way to follow up and re-engage those consumers who may be shopping around for festival gifts.

With an average of 69% of consumers abandoning their carts globally, a cart abandonment campaign can have a massive impact on conversion rates. Try using Abandoned Cart Magento Extension to achieve healthy returns.

5 Essentials

  • During checkout, collection user email as primary piece of information.
  • Emphasize the ease of purchase with one-step checkout.
  • Try supporting your abandonment campaign with engaging content.
  • Abandonment emails need to be optimized for mobile.
  • Customize email content and discount coupons depending upon users’ browsing history.


Automated email marketing is a crucial component in every holiday marketing strategy that facilitates mass-scale personal engagement. The three emails in the article should help you maximize return on your investments this holiday season.

So what are you waiting for? Seize the season!