The much talked about eCommerce platform, Magento is here with its upgraded version – Magento2. And developers have already started getting inundated with calls from global online retailers who are planning to migrate to the newer version and would want some new and cool features using Premium Magento2 Extensions.

With overwhelming response for launch of Magento2, it’s clear that the market is ready to adopt the new technology and willing to embrace the completely new version of the most flexible Open Course eCommerce platform. But not many online retailers are fully aware about the facts or in other words the advantages of Magento2.

We’ve conducted an in-depth research on some interesting facts about Magento2 to help you make up your mind about whether to migrate your store from Magento1 to Magento2.

First, let’s take a look at the Magento2 History.

Magento2 was announced in 2010 about its plans for the upgraded version, which as to be launched in 2011, but it was delayed to almost 4 years and was finally launched in 2015. It’s been a long wait and many developers and retailers were happy with the things they noticed in the newer version.

The exact reasons for the delay were not confirmed by any Magento employee, but the time has been worth wait and what people found about the latest version was amazingly stunning.


Now, let’s move to the things we know about the Magento2.

Modern Technologies

The advanced version supports modern coding system and it uses PHP 5.4, CCS 3, HTML 5, and moves from prototype.js to jQuery. All the advanced technologies help loading pages faster with the lightning speed.

Performance & Scalability

Improved Indexers covers the same functionality as the previous enterprise version, however the Magento has revised it to deliver more efficient updates and faster query performance.

Full page cache is made available out of the box. Also, it comes with unbeatable Varnish and Redis support. Because indexers would work in the background, there will least or no block in process any more.

Multiple admin users is another great benefit that Magento2 offers to the users. In fact, it’s one of the core improvements Magento has covered, allowing for more admin users to create and update products. It’s all done while reducing data conflicts.

Installation & Upgrades

The Magento team has worked quite harder in simplifying the process of installation and upgrades. Also, the process to integrate Magento2 Modules has been made easier. Magento2 includes updated information on compatibility of upgrades with current versions and versioning policies.

What’s great about the latest version of Magento is that it features a standalone installer that supports faster installation by proactively checking pre-requisites before initiating the process.


Modular code & Customization helps reduce cross-module dependencies and also allows the developers to make a narrow and target changes without impacting other areas of code.

Improved search has always been the obstacle every Magento user faced in the past, but it’s not a case with the latest version. It includes a layered navigation and modularized search interface to its easier customize search functions. Search function can be enabled/disabled and even deleted from the code. If you’re not satisfied with what is offered, go for the third-party Magento2 Addons for next level customer experience.

Out-of-the-box responsiveness is the best among all benefits you are getting with Magento2. The blank theme will be using all the advanced technologies listed above and you don’t have to take the stress of customizing the core template to make the shop work better on compact devices.

Magento2 XML validation ensures all the XML codes follow specific structures and rules. It’s the best thing what developers love about Magento2 as it makes it easier for developers to configure XML, as their Integrated Development Environment will help them prevent errors.

Disclaimer: Above given information is taken from various materials and other sources, and it’s not an official announcement confirmed by Magento.