For the past couple of years, the hottest topic among global eCommerce industry has been the release of Magento2. People had been in a real fix about what improvements the company is going to offer for the Magento users and is there going to be a line of premium Magento2 extensions to bring functionalities to websites. 

Now that it’s finally released, thousands of upgrades have already been made. While there’s no official statement available for the users about benefits of Magento2 over the previous version, we’ve made a research on what has been changed in the latest version in comparison to the previous one. The research is aimed to help the clients who are having queries in mind: “to be or not to be” with Magento2.

Let’s talk about the main changes and improvements that Magento2 brings with it.

The Supersonic Performance

Let’s begin with the performance improvements in Magento2 because it’s the main issue that store owners face with magento1. We conducted an in-depth Magento2 performance audit, which led to many unexpected discoveries.

1. Magento2 delivers speed with the incredible fast page load time for almost every page at the site including home, category, and product page. The overall page load time was noted to be 0.75 second per page.

2.Magento2 officially supports latest PHP versions, including PHP 7 (starting from PHP 5.5.x). These versions of PHP include new security fixes and improvements that directly affect the website’s speed and performance.

3.With the latest version, store owners will not have to install a third party’s module to varnish caching as the Magento2 comes with great improvement - the ability to use Varnish caching out of the box.

4.On the image compression’s side, there is a very welcome Magento2 improvement – optimize images directly on server using built-in tools. This was done manually in Magento1.

5.For those waiting for optimized and bundled JavaScript, the wait is over as Magento2 brings modern solution from the JS perspective, reducing unnecessary browser’s operations on the client’s side.

Improved Backend Admin UX interface

If compared with Magento1, the admin panel in the advanced version is much easier, user-friendly and intuitive. Let’s know what comes special in the admin panel when you will be using Magento2 for your website.

A. It’s modern admin panel and navigation interface allows store owner to easily navigate throughout the parts of admin panel and find information and manage easily.

1.The Dashboard allows admin to monitor lifetime sales with average order, last order and top search terms. Also, store admin can see their revenue tax, bestseller, customers, shipping and quantity.

2.The advanced product creation tool makes product upload an easier task where you can also link videos to products in addition to the images.

3.Its improved and faster product data import make Magento2 conversion a smart choice.

4.What’s great about the advanced version is that you don’t need to contact your developer every time you want to make changes in the orders or customers management grid. Store admin can simply choose the required columns available in the admin panel.

5.The last, but not the least in this section is new improved Content Section, where filling all information about your company is super easy and impressive.

The Future for Magento2

1.The more advanced version, which is Magento 2.0 is scheduled to release soon.

2.Magento has announced the release of Marketplace where multiple extensions are available. If you don’t find anything better, go for third party Magento2 eCommerce Extensions to bring cool features to your store.

3.Magento Enterprise Cloud Edition hosted by Magento itself.

Magento is the first choice of almost every online retailer for being flexible, robust, and secure and the advanced version is much better than the previous one. Owing to the major changes, Magento2 is growing every day and becoming more and more popular. While migration to Magento2 is still a major topic among the retailers, development companies are creating more and more Magento 2 eCommerce extensions.

In short… Magento2 is a huge improvement!