So you’ve finally landed here to know how to tool your Ecommerce business for growth. This means you’ve already picked your preferred eCommerce platform for your store and your site is live for buyers to explore the variety of products. Is it all you want for your business? I bet you not. Installing Magento eCommerce extensions are always required.


Having a stunning Magento website with appealing designs and engaging site logo is not out of the box as Magento is packed with various tools, but some advanced and essential extras can help propel you into a position of reputation, great success and business growth.

For a successful Ecommerce business, there are certain features you should prioritize and seriously consider adding to your own site. And if you are serious about being a successful name and compete harder in the market, here are some key areas that will help you to easily get the job done right.

Engage Them with Products Not Sign up Form

Frankly speaking, I hate filling up a bunch of information on registration form while buying online, nobody would do too, especially when it’s just for a single item. Make buying quicker, easier and hassle free process for your new users by allowing them to avoid registration form and checkout as a guest.

But wait, why allow them to checkout as guest while you can get them registered with your store without asking them for registration form? By installing eCommerce Extensions to allow them to sign in with their favorite social network, you will not only increase your sales, but you will also avoid that no eCommerce business wants-abandoned cart. Ask them for their postal address later.

Let Them Rate and Review Products

No buyer wants to get stuck in a cyber fraud and hence love to go through the product review section before they make a purchase. One simple method for reducing uncertainty and boosting your trustworthiness is allowing shoppers to rate and leave review about your products.

Reviews not only make them believe on your store, but also know what quality the product is delivering for those who are already using it. Regular shoppers also like to read about the experiences other shoppers have had with an item. No doubt there is a risk of negative feedback, but when it comes to customer reviews, the positives far outweigh the negatives.

Ensure Site Speed and Performance

Web users are typically impatient with research revealing that 40% of customers will abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. Better make your website offer smooth navigation and load as faster as possible.

Need a shortcut for better speed? I’m afraid there isn’t any as speed optimization can be a deeply complicated topic and a tedious and ongoing maintenance process. All you can do is to avoid installing unnecessary modules and only use the useful ones and use product images with medium quality.

Latest Version-Go for It

Regardless of how good is your Magento store performing with the older version, but upgrading to a newer one is never harmful. Newer versions offer more customizability, flexibility and availability of premium Magento extensions, which is a great deal to succeed.

If have a knack of coding and technical terms, then you can do it yourself, but if you don’t, then go for a professional as a single mistake can cause disasters to your store’s image. And believe me, keeping up with the technology is always a great choice to stay ahead the competition.

Have an Auto Search Bar

Similar to the importance for the number of products you need to have in a store, allowing customers to locate easily what they are looking for is equally important. Make sure to look for eCommerce Extensions that can produce highly relevant results and cut down the time required for shopping.

Researches reveal that 30% of your shoppers will use search to locate exactly what they’re looking for (by entering either an item name or code). This means that the chances of that search converting to a sale are very high. Auto search bar also shows predictions as soon as a customer inputs an alphabet in the search bar.

Oh no, no SEO

If you want your eCommerce site to be successful, it needs to be SEO optimized. It’s even more important for the new stores as the giants have already grabbed the international market. Whatever product you type on Google, you see the leading stores on the first page, which makes sense in investing in SEO.

One myth about the SEO is that it’s a one-time process. It is an ongoing process of trial and error, especially if you want your store to be on the first page of the search engines. In a research, it is found that the sites that ranked on Google's first page receive click-through rate of 36.4% while those on the second page received 12.5%.


While these features are unavoidable for an eCommerce store, they can be easily integrated by installing extensions that are easy to install, upgrade and understand. If you’re looking for some other functionalities that aren’t listed above, then explore the web world for Magento extensions and you’re sure to have a solution that will aid the growth of your business.