SoftProdigy Online Store


  1. Create Model and Collection for Custom Table in Magento 2

    In this post, we will create Model and Collection of a module in Magento 2. After this post, you can use Models for saving data and can get table collections.


    1. You need to create a simple module, after that you can follow this post.

    2. We need to create these files to insert, update, delete and get data in the database.

    Softprodigy is company Namespace and Mcomingsoon is the module Name.

    Frontend Routes Name is coming soon

    1   - Create model file: app/code/Softprodigy/Mcomingsoon/Model/Cbackground .php and  insert this following code into it:

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  2. Why E-Commerce Online Store Need Mobile APP?

    If you think mobile apps are solely to add a big name to your business, you are absolutely wrong. Many small scale and large scale business are following the current mobile trend to understand the effective mobile strategy that involves a mobile friendly website.

    Do you have a reliable mobile strategy that takes advantage of the growth in the mobile commerce?

    You may be an entrepreneur or may be outsourcing your business. The large counting business needs commitment and strategy. Moreover, you are advised to hire an outside source instead of handling things all by yourself. You will get optimized results from a professional company that specialized in developing mobile apps.

    Why develop mobile apps?

    According to a survey, it has been found that seventy-five percent of users...

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  3. Magento2 Commonly usable methods for development

    1. Call a helper or model   or Locale



    where $this->_objectManager is predefined object.



    2. Get Image url:

     $_imagehelper = $this->helper('Magento\Catalog\Helper\Image');

                            $productImage = $_imagehelper->init($_product, 'small_image')->constrainOnly(FALSE)->keepAspectRatio(TRUE)->keepFrame(FALSE)->resize(100)->getUrl();

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  4. Keep Your customers informed

    We work really hard to set up our business and create e-commerce stores. We spend hours to bring everything into shape to be able to finally launch our e-commerce stores. Don't you think people it would be really great if your target customers already knew about your business when you finally launch your store. For this purpose we set up our hashtags, create Facebook page, create twitter account, and tell everyone who'll listen. Through social media we can create a lot of buzz.

    One of the major thing we can do that we can put up a great Coming Soon page for our online store which could give hint to the customer about the store without revealing too much still somehow telling them something great is about to come. This page we can share on every Facebook page or any kind of social media.Though this we can create a great impression...

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  5. Now Create a Magento Mobile E-Commerce App Instantly

    With about 70% of online shoppers preferring mobile apps for shopping, it can be foreseen that apps will be the only preferred channel for online shopping very soon. For businesses, it will be the predominant tool when it comes to managing your ecommerce business. For this reason ecommerce apps these days come loaded with superior functions than your ecommerce web store.

    Developing an ecommerce app for your online store is in itself a challenging task. However, ONGOBUYO offers a Magento based solution that can help you evade all the complexities associated with app development. Also, you can get all sophisticated functionalities in a shorter span of time.

    ONGOBUYO is a native solution offering a blend of quick app development process and high end features peculiar to any ecommerce app. Let’s have a look at its benefits:


    Steadfast Magento mobile app creation process...

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  6. Now Create a Magento Mobile E-Commerce App Instantly

    With about 70% of online shoppers preferring mobile apps for shopping, it can be foreseen that apps will be the only preferred channel for online shopping very soon. For businesses, it will be the predominant tool when it comes to managing your ecommerce business. For this reason ecommerce apps these days come loaded with superior functions than your ecommerce web store.

    Developing an ecommerce app for your online store is in itself a challenging task. However, ONGOBUYO offers a Magento based solution that can help you evade all the complexities associated with app development. Also, you can get all sophisticated functionalities in a shorter span of time.

    ONGOBUYO is a native solution offering a blend of quick app development process and high end features peculiar to any ecommerce app. Let’s have a look at its benefits:


    Steadfast Magento mobile app creation process...

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  7. PHP developer guide For Magento 2.0

    This guide contains information for developers who want to extend, or customize, any of the components in the Magento application. That includes building a new component from to extend Magento functionality.

    In Magento 2 , composer.json is introduced  to declare a dependency on third-party components or on the magento product as well as the class autoloader.

     As Magento Wiki Stated :  “Composer is a dependency manager for PHP. Magento 2 uses Composer to package components and product editions. Some third party components that the Magento system uses may be actually not present in the code base. Instead, they are listed as dependencies in the root composer.json  file.”

     Naming conventions

    Naming convention is similar as magento 1.x had,


     but the only different is, now every latter in...

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  8. Learn How You Can Increase Your E-Commerce Sales

    Online shopping is growing very fast, as maximum of consumers have faith in e-commerce stores that they will get a better deal online, than they will be in physical stores. Keeping in mind this can make it a challenge to maintain an online e-commerce business, it doesn't need to be overpowering. Are you running an e-commerce store? Are you looking for other even better ideas that will often have a bigger impact?  There are many ideas to improve upon your strategies to bring more exposure and, more importantly, more conversions, for your brand. Check out these suggestions to increase your e-commerce sales and traffic.

    Social Media is an Advantage

    Social media is exploding, so why not take advantage of social media platforms to improve the conversion rate and traffic of your e-commerce store. Being a store owner you should be

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  9. Reward Points Helps Store Owners Drive More Sales

    In today's day and age when there are so many E-commerce website for everything its very difficult to keep the customer loyal to your store. For this purpose many Loyalty campaigns are run by E-Commerce store and retails.

    Loyalty programs are structured marketing strategies designed to encourage customers to continue to shop at or use the services of businesses associated with each program.Many such programs exist covering most types of business, each one having varying features and rewards schemes.

    Magento is one of the major E-Commerce Platform which is used by thousands of retailers and vendors to sell their products or services. One of the major issues that these stores face is the loyalty of the customers. Customers easily migrate from one store to another. There is no in build functionality in magento for loyalty programs or rewards for customers.

    For this purpose...

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  10. Why Your Business Needs Own Mobile App

    Over the years, the number of smartphone and tablet users have grown exponentially. Mobile apps have become an integral part of most businesses around the world. The customers in today’s world are on the move and they’re using mobile application platforms to get there.

    You need to understand that mobile apps allow customers to have all your information at their fingertips. If you decide to create a mobile app, it is important to note what these apps can bring to your business.

    Reach Your Customer 24/7

    Statistics show that the average people spends more than two hours a day on his or her mobile device. If your business is available online, and plus you have an app that users can download to their devices, your business will make really good impression. At a glance they will be able to see and open your app and purchase from your business.

    Increase Your Revenue

    If you invest in a quality mobile app, chances are you can directly monetize your app...

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