In today's day and age when there are so many E-commerce website for everything its very difficult to keep the customer loyal to your store. For this purpose many Loyalty campaigns are run by E-Commerce store and retails.

Loyalty programs are structured marketing strategies designed to encourage customers to continue to shop at or use the services of businesses associated with each program.Many such programs exist covering most types of business, each one having varying features and rewards schemes.

Magento is one of the major E-Commerce Platform which is used by thousands of retailers and vendors to sell their products or services. One of the major issues that these stores face is the loyalty of the customers. Customers easily migrate from one store to another. There is no in build functionality in magento for loyalty programs or rewards for customers.

For this purpose Softprodigy is launching new Reward Points Extension. Through this extension admin can reward credits to the customers for almost all there actions. Which in future customer can use as virtual money to buy products in the stores.

Through  this extension admin can reward its customers for almost all action like login to the website, registering to website, reviewing products, buying products. Admin can even reward their customer on their birthdays. Because of these reward credits that customer is getting, customer will return back to the store again and again.

Not only does a reward points programme provide a practical, hard reason for continuing to buy (the accumulation of points toward a reward, or higher levels of service) but it also provides information about the customers that allows their needs to be met more efficiently and effectively. This in turn makes them more likely to remain customers. In addition, loyalty programme operators often report that, once a customer starts redeeming rewards, enthusiasm and engagement both increase.

Major ways through which admin can distribute Rewards are:

1) By creating catalog rules

This method extends already existing “Catalog price Rule” functionality of magento through which admin can give reward for products of particular category or any particular attribute set.

2) Shopping Cart earning rule

This method extends already existing “Shopping Cart price Rule” functionality of magento through which admin can give away reward points on the basis of subtotal of cart or address or payment method selected by customer.

 3) Individual Earning rule

Through this method admin set reward points for individual products.

 4) Behaviour Rules

 Through this admin can give away rewards on basis of different behaviour of customers like

a) Login
b) Sign up
c) Newsletter signup
d) Birthday
e) Referral

This extension also help to promote the site through word of mouth.
Word of mouth by definition is an unpaid form of promotion in which satisfied customers tell other people how much they like a business, product or service.

For doing so admin can reward there customers through referral behaviour. In it customer can promote your site by sharing your site's url through social media our directly through mails.

This Extension can help you to be one step ahead of your competition.