We work really hard to set up our business and create e-commerce stores. We spend hours to bring everything into shape to be able to finally launch our e-commerce stores. Don't you think people it would be really great if your target customers already knew about your business when you finally launch your store. For this purpose we set up our hashtags, create Facebook page, create twitter account, and tell everyone who'll listen. Through social media we can create a lot of buzz.

One of the major thing we can do that we can put up a great Coming Soon page for our online store which could give hint to the customer about the store without revealing too much still somehow telling them something great is about to come. This page we can share on every Facebook page or any kind of social media.Though this we can create a great impression on our target audience.

Now, we have launched our store successfully, and our store is doing well. But now we need some things to be changed in the store for this purpose we have to shut the store for some time. Customers will still be coming to the site and will see that site is under maintenance. If there is no proper message regarding this customer can have negative impression about the store. For such situation we need to have a proper maintenance page set up. This page should inform the customers why store is under maintenance and when you will be back.

Major share of the E-commerce stores uses Magento CMS . Magento has most of the basic features to set up an E-commerce store but it does not have any way to create and easy to maintain Coming Soon and Maintenance Page. For this purpose soft prodigy has created an extension though which admin can easily create and manage Coming Soon and Maintenance Page.

Store Maintenance-Coming soon Magento Extension

Coming soon and maintenance mode extension helps store owners to hold their future customers with impressive coming soon page and easily put the front end of their store in maintenance mode while they are doing some changes on store. It will allow online merchants to display countdown timer to notify about their official launch date and put their online store in maintenance mode for specified time span.

Admin can choose from 2 website modes: Coming Soon Page or Under Maintenance Mode.

Maintenance Mode Features:

    1. Set launch date & time for your Magento maintenance page. Extension can display countdown timer and switch to “live site mode” automatically at launch time.
    2. Once you have configured this extension, no one can have access to your website. Only admin from the backend would be able to access the site.
    3. You can also customize the maintenance page title, description and image with some personalized message to make it more approachable to your visitors.
    4. Admin can define white list of IP addresses that are allowed to bypass both coming soon and maintenance pages and access live site.
    5. Set launch date & time for your Magento coming soon page. Extension can display countdown timer and switch to “live site mode” automatically at launch time.
    6. All texts and labels can be conveniently edited from Magento® back-end. Add / change any type of content from regular texts to tables and images.
    7. Display social media links on your Magento under construction page
    8. Two types of background style available - Single Image or Slideshow
    9. Single image or slideshow background allows you to set dates when the image is active (useful on special occasions or holidays), exclude image or remove it from display.
    10. Admin can preview coming soon page from Magento back-end without enabling it first
    11. Provision of filling up Contact Us Form is also offered when the site is under maintenance mode.
    12. Admin can define white list of IP addresses that are allowed to bypass both coming soon and maintenance pages and access live site.

Coming Soon Mode Features:

      1. Set launch date & time for your Magento coming soon page. Extension can display countdown timer and switch to “live site mode” automatically at launch time.
      2. All texts and labels can be conveniently edited from Magento® back-end. Add / change any type of content from regular texts to tables and images.
      3. Display social media links on your Magento under construction page
      4. Two types of background style available - Single Image or Slideshow
      5. Single image or slideshow background allows you to set dates when the image is active (useful on special occasions or holidays), exclude image or remove it from display.
      6. Admin can preview coming soon page from Magento® back-end without enabling it first
      7. Provision of filling up Contact Us Form is also offered when the site is under maintenance mode.
      8. Admin can define white list of IP addresses that are allowed to bypass both coming soon and maintenance pages and access live site. 

Hope this help you all with your stores.