Whether you are a business owner or entrepreneur, you always want people to know the services you have to offer. Driving traffic to your business website is crucial in building a larger audience, gaining more customers and going viral. There are endless benefits of driving traffic to your website. Despite the fact that your ecommerce website is build top Magento plugins, there are several strategies that follow in order to drive traffic.  


When you put a strategy in the right place which optimizes your e-commerce website with best Magento modules for organic traffic from search engine results, the traffic is guaranteed to increase. Here are 10 simple ideas and tips for driving traffic to your website.

 SEO: Keep it Simple   

 There is a universal assumption that SEO and SEM are time-consuming and complicated. But actually, SEO is simpler than you might think. SEO is a combination of two: onsite SEO and offsite SEO. This clearly indicates that your website content should be SEO friendly with a suitable title, subheading incorporating popular keywords so that it becomes easy for people to find the content. Plus, tie up with reputed websites for back link and reference so the search ranking improves. There is nothing more to it. Focus on making a creative post that is organized in a way that clutches people while they are browsing the internet and compel them to take to some time and go review your website.

 How to optimize on-site content?

 If you are eager to make your site SEO friendly, create a basic format for all the posts and pages. When you will attain the natural habit of writing heading in a specific format and incorporating relevant information in the post, SEO will never turn out to be time-consuming. With time, you will be able to streamline the writing process because you are already familiar with the elements which are waiting to be clubbed in and make people read the content and share it.

 •    Concise and Crisp Heading

 Make a crisp but the simple title that thoroughly describes the content you are about to display on the website. Titles shouldn’t exceed 70 character length and should mandatorily include a primary and secondary keyword along with the company’s name which can be optional if it is a non-promotional content.

     Optimize Images

 If someone is looking out for an image, ensure that they are directed to your website on relevant search terms. Emphasis on optimizing the images with the help of targeted keywords and try adding the description to all.


 •    Alter the URL

 It isn’t necessary that the URL of your website has to match the title of the post on your website. A good URL is a key feature targeting keywords. In addition, it depicts the hierarchy of information on that particular page. This clearly indicates the words you put forward in a URL are most important to multiple search engines as they are ranked at high priority. Ensure that your website URL portrays the content on the page and is crisp as well as clear.

 Quality Off-Site Bank Links

 Link building is a crucial component for increasing the page rank of search engine results and help potential users find relevant content. Having a bunch of websites that links to your website isn’t enough, the quality factor is also considered. Search engine won’t consider you if you have backlinks from spam websites or those having low-quality content.

 Post Valuable Content

 The most common way of driving traffic to your website is to create interesting content that will be highly shareable and relevant to a whole lot of people. Post a compelling title that people can’t help themselves from clicking on it. Once they land on your page, please them so much that they gain the intense desire of sharing the content with others.

 Grabbing potential customers to your website with the help of SEO techniques isn’t a big deal. In addition to incorporate your store with must have Magento extensions, the above-mentioned strategies will definitely boost traffic to your website in cost effective way.