Undoubtedly mobile use is continuing to rise every year amongst most of the consumers interested in interacting with business owners regarding their shopping experience while using their handheld devices on the daily basis. With respect to this, Magento ecommerce mobile app is becoming popular amongst online merchants. 

As more and more people have started to extensively use mobile for fulfilling their day to day needs and for keeping in touch with their loved ones, they are changing the way they shop. Whether it is smartphones or tablets, we can now search and buy anything we want, anywhere, anytime. For online retailers, this seems to be a massive challenge with customers that are expecting a wonderful shopping experience across conventional ecommerce. This is why the mobile commerce has become more than a channel. Now you can get an idea why retailers are aiming at building their Magento mobile app to boost their sales.

Here are some reasons why mobile commerce is the appropriate approach for your company in the long run.

•    Convenient Shopping Experience

Today about 15% of the internet traffic is globally buzzed on smartphones. Whenever, wherever people are moving during the day, they are also choosing to browse the internet and buying through Magento mobile store has become a part of their routine.

Most shoppers prefer shopping online rather than going to an offline store. If you own a good reputation in the market but your website isn’t mobile friendly, they will still browse around, fill their cart and make a purchase. If you own an ecommerce store, this is already happening in your store. If this is the case, it is the right time to make the experience even more convenient.

Mobile based shopping is conveniently happening across the globe in the following forms:

Simultaneous usage: It is defined as using more than one device at the same time. For example using your tablet and computer at the same time in a retail store to complete an activity related to shopping. 

Sequential Usage: This can be defined as moving from one device to another at different intervals of time to accomplish shopping task from tablet and then completing it through your mobile.

Singular usage: Using a single device to complete an activity online since actions are performed on one device or another.

•    Growth of mobile payments

When it comes to mobile payment modes, there are multiple paths to follow. Magento mobile app extension allows users to choose optional payment modes. Customer needs to be provided with the easiest solutions for their needs. Some find mobile solutions very effective as it quickly completes their purchase making mcommerce profitable for their business.

•    Mobile enhances retail shopping experience

Few business owners disregard the connection between their mobile presence and in-store experience but there is a huge potential for impactful collaboration. Incorporating both of them can help lead higher sales and retain long-term loyalty.