You have the best quality products, the PayPal account, and the packaging material is all set to go. Now the most crucial step us to bring traffic to your website and converting it into sales. Your plans for New Year call for growing your business but where will the increase sales come from? The likely source of new customers will be marketing your e-commerce. You ecommerce website built with Premium Magento Extensions is of no use if a great marketing strategy is not implemented. Marketing e-commerce might turn up to be challenging task for you but with the following strategies, you can successfully jumpstart your online business. 

Optimizing Website

Optimizing your company’s website for ease of use and search engines is the primary step in marketing e-commerce business. Ensure that your page’s loading time is as fast as possible. If necessary, clean up all the issues with navigation, images, caching, modules and themes. Make your website search engine friendly. Plus, this will include weaving keywords through content and meta tag having a crisp and clear hierarchy, landing pages, site mapping, and text links to the website. If you are unsure about the keywords try using Google’s Keyword Tool.

Campaigning Mails

Emails and newsletter is an efficient way of spreading the word about sales, company news, and promotions. Many hosted e-commerce providers deliver email marketing packages from customer’s databases. These campaigns can be clubbed with conjunction with other forms of marketing and offers the opportunity to share information with other marketing strategies providing a useful opportunity to share information nurturing relationships with customers.


Incorporating a blog to an online store can significantly help grow the e-commerce business. Similar to email campaigns, blogs provide an opportunity to share relevant information regarding how the products are made. Many business owners regularly update blogs on the weekly or monthly basis to connect with their customers. In addition, blogs also boost the search engine optimization by providing fresh content to your website.

While launching a blog for your business, think beyond promoting your products. Provide information on what is happening in your industry, share the upcoming trends can be both entertaining and informative at the same time. By posting high-quality content, you can position your business as an industry expert thereby building credibility with customers. Plus, building a Magento mobile app can also make your website user friendly.

Pay Per Click

Depending on your product marketing strategy, pay per click proves to be the best option. It is probably the quickest way to promote your business though it can be expensive. To leverage PPC value, ensure that relevant traffic is pouring on your website and they are eventually turning into sales.

Public Relations

Sharing news around the world related to your ongoing business may be a cost-effective strategy for marketing e-commerce business. Generating press release and posting them on news wires can be of great help. However, there is a lot more to public relation excluding press releases. Contact editors of newspapers, magazine publishers and producers to share unique stories about your business. A single story in a national outlet can seek the attention of millions bringing countless new customers to your website.

Marketing e-commerce business takes a different level of commitment. If you are looking for potential customers, improve your website or hire help. Implementing just these strategies will create a solid foundation for your online business.