An integral part of boosting sales is to establish relationships and, in turn, social media helps you accomplish it quickly and easily. Surprisingly, many investors have made significant investments in social media marketing to offer million potential customers a flexible, seamless and personalized shopping experience. Large scale and small business companies can now leverage the new social media trends to drive increase revenue. Here are five strategies to boost sales in 2016:

Get personal

Social media is a room for genuine engagement with customers that might result in long-term relationships. Product deals are exclusively being promoted on various social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter that evoke positive emotions. You might also push to share their insights on diverse topics related to the industry. In doing so, consumers will eventually get connected to your brand and more inspired to purchase multiple products.

Prioritize customer

For most customers, a company owning Facebook or Twitter page is the first user service resource and no one wants unhappy customers to share their negative reviews with other followers. To prevent a negative impact on your ongoing business, stay on the top by responding to all the related queries within 24 hours by providing them with a complete solution. If you are small scale company that is unable to employ resource for digital marketing, share and re-share the favourable experience across social media platform.

Add online store directly on social media

An effective method of optimising your sales is to add a shopping cart directly to your Facebook page so customers can smoothly shop and purchase without leaving Facebook. Another method is to add a store to WordPress blog or another online site where products can be purchased.  These tools tend to be more responsive and device adaptable ensuring customers with the seamless shopping experience.

With the above-mentioned strategies, a significant impact can be made to boost sales in 2016 with social media platforms. While small scale business might be deprived of resources and a budget larger businesses might do, these moves will definitely provide a gratifying shopping experience for the customers and you will eventually have the opportunity to reach a broader range of consumer making them your loyal customers.