In this rapidly growing retail industry, did you know that mobile commerce is growing at a faster rate? Realizing the increasing growth of smartphone users, this is obvious, but there still exist handful of e-commerce retailers that hasn't been keeping up with the times and is still serving the unresponsive online store to mobile users which will ultimately drive mobile users away. 

Failing to provide users a mobile friendly environment while shopping might put you in disadvantage, given the constantly growing popularity of mobile apps. However, if you are yet to be convinced by the serious urge for mobile optimization, here are few reasons why you will want to get mobile friendly.

Why choose mobile commerce?

To boil down to the basics, m-commerce is electronic sales using wireless handheld devices like smartphones and tablets. To be clear, m-commerce is related to e-commerce. While e-commerce involves desktop and laptops, m-commerce includes tablets and smartphones.

Consequently, business owners have realized the need of effectively using mobile for enticing customers. The primary goal of m-commerce is to ensure that your shopping experience is suited best to small screens to pour in maximum sales. Features such as responsive design and mobile friendly user experience are vital for online business and to retain potential customers.

Offline working ability

This is the fundamental difference between a Magento ecommerce mobile app and online website. Although some Magento Android apps also require internet connectivity to perform their respective tasks but they have the capability of connecting content and other basic functionalities in the offline mode.

Freedom of design

Even with technological advancements in designing, websites have to rely on multiple browsers to perform the most primary functions.

Web sites depend on various browser features like a refresh button, address bar etc. On the contrary, mobile apps don’t have any such restrictions. Magento mobile app can be built with wide range of features based on different gestures like swipe, drag, pinch, hold and more. Mobile apps use these gestures to deliver innovative functionalities that help the user perform the required task in a better way.

Ease of sending notifications

For the last couple of decades, email has become the widely used communication tool. Business owners and professionals have extensively used email to reach out to their customers. But email has lost the effectiveness it once had as it open and click rates have drastically dropped. Well, there is no reason to worry at all, you can now enter mobile app notifications. The push and in-app notifications are both exciting alternatives for communications. The ability to send instant notifications to customers is desired as one of the major reasons why most of the business owners want to have a Magento mobile app in the first place.


All of this makes it clear that traditional e-commerce purchases made on desktop computers are declining so you should now move to m-commerce for better growth of your business. Mobile commerce can no longer be ignored and this is why your business and e-commerce venture urgently requires mobile apps.