Everyday a customer’s experience with the market becomes social and visual that further complicates the process of business owners as they strive hard to keep up with the latest developments in e-commerce while they grow their business. With the ever changing digital world and advancing technology, it is important to keep your e-commerce platform updated. 

There are plenty of features to be incorporated into your e-commerce website but it is important to focus on efforts to ensure you can scale your business to add more features. Certainly there are some sweeping business strategies and powerful solutions that may help boost your business sales. But what about other small things that you can do in few minutes which could help your e-commerce business to improve?

Here is the list of such things to consider.

•    Upsell and Cross-sell

Almost every e-commerce platform offers alternative ways for online sellers to feature their related products. If a small scale e-commerce business owner is ignoring this opportunity, his sales could be missed.

Upselling means the act of encouraging the customer to purchase a product to the one he is actually looking for but having higher selling price. Cross-selling is the process of encouraging customers to buy complementary products after they are done with their shopping but have intentions to buy more. Practically, upselling and cross-selling is implemented on checkout pages.

•    Add live chats

Live chat allows customers to ask multiple questions when they are in the  process of making a buying decision, potentially boosting conversion rates and enhancing customer’s shopping experience for your business. What’s more, once you build an option of live chat, you will discover that customers will share feedback related to your products and discuss problems which they may encounter.

Adding live chat is relatively a simple task that requires less technical expertise. Plus, it can be turned on when convenient.

•    Proofread your website

Even the largest of companies can make silly errors on their websites. Take few minutes to proofread the complete website and make changes if required. In fact, sometimes you may not realize how weird your site looks until you start proofreading. Put yourself in customer’s shoes and go through all the pages of the website and you will realize where changes are required.

•    Offer free shipping

Various studies state that customers are not willing to pay for shipping. If your business is already not offering free shipping option, you ought to add one. Most e-commerce platform owns free shipping option, so there is likely to be a minimal amount of configuration. The most difficult part of free shipping is while you give away some margin, you should make more overall as sales increase.