For most of the e-commerce businesses, Facebook is still a priority when it comes to driving traffic and grabbing the audience. Chances are there that you have made a Facebook page and are regularly sharing content with your followers. But does that ensure continuous sales in your business? Here are some effective ways to sell your business with Facebook and create an audience with raving fans. 

Use Images

If you wish to generate traffic and boost sales from Facebook you have to build an audience and grab their attention. You might be aware of the fact that images outstand post when it comes to pleasing the audience. However, not all images are effective. Those which are self-explanatory get higher engagement compared to general posts. For instance, if you are posting product images, consider overlaying some relevant text on the image that provides more context to it such as Valentine Collection 2016.

Create themed product collage

It is true that posting products over and over again can bring down customer’s interest pretty fast. To make product images relatively more interesting, create visually appealing products that display similar themed items together.

Run contests

Most customers like a brand page on Facebook in order to avail coupons or discounts. In short, you need to offer deals to your Facebook fans. Contests are the best way to offer deal and package it a way that pleases your audience and brings potential customers to your page.

Offer timely discounts

Offering timely discounts based on occasions can be extremely effective way to get an audience. Putting an expiration date on your discount leverages scarcity is important as it plays a powerful role is triggering sales.

Offer gift cards

Audience love gift cards. According to a report around 81%, customers buy at least one gift card during holidays. Offering gift card on Facebook gives people a way to share your products with family and friends.

 When it comes to branding on Facebook, it is crucial to maintaining a balance between creating engaging content that builds an audience while nudging people toward your product. Creating special offers, giving discounts and giveaways will help bridge the gap and highlight your product in the long run.