You have developed a beautiful and attractive website and are ready to sell your products. But, as you see nobody is visiting your site, and if they do, they aren’t buying anything at your store. What to do now?

In this ever-changing and competitive world, selling a product needs much more than just some good looking web pages. Your website should be able to drive traffic and covert visitors to potential buyers. But how?

Here are top ten tips that will increase your ecommerce online sales and convert your visitors to prospective customers-

Clutter-Free Design

Your website should be fast, appealing, easy to use and there should be no question about what you sell when a visitor lands on your page. Make use of descriptive images that exhibit your product completely and compels them to buy it. While a cluttered design will distract the customer and derail sales.

More pictures, Less Text

Yes. It is a true fact that images fascinate you more than the text. The customers rely on how things appear, so you should make use of prominent pictures and less of the text to present your product to lure your target customers.

A Social Proof Can Act as a Catalyst

Social proof in ecommerce implies that your products are trusted by real people and influencers. More than 50 percent of the customers look for online reviews, ratings and testimonials before they buy a product. So, make sure to add reviews & testimonials on the home page and product page, as required.

Improve the Copy

Though internet is a visual medium, but you cannot forget the power of words. Incorporate a great copy to describe your product. Be simple, straightforward but create a compelling text. Also, you can take help from a skilled copywriter.

Say “No” to Slow Loading Pages

You should structure a web design that provides optimum page performance. Nobody will wait for the pages to load too slowly, they will navigate to some other site that sells the same products with a good page performance.  

Promos will Entice Customers

A very simple tactic to entice a customer is to give promotional offers, special discounts to loyal customers etc. Free shipping is one of the great ways to lure a customer to buy your product.

Simple & Easy Navigation

This is really important. Make sure that your site is easy to navigate and the users’ quickly reach what they are looking for and can easily switch between pages. Each page and section should be clearly labelled so that visitor can locate things easily.

Involve Social Media- Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc.

Whether you are in manufacturing industry, or product sales, your business should be active on social media. The world is social today and being socially active on popular sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest will help you attract more customers.

Upsell & Cross-sell

New in trend “upsell and cross sell” technique is widely gaining popularity to entice customers. In this method, the seller introduces complimentary items to the shopper for the product they are thinking to purchase.

Know Your Customers

Keep yourself in your customer’s position and see if your website is fulfilling their requirements. Also, you can consider developing audience personas and create content that is according to their needs and desires.

There are no limits to market and sell your products. Identify your audience, target them on multiple channels, personalize on social media and you will see a boost in your online sales.