SoftProdigy Online Store


  1. Create Your Own Ticket Booking Website on Magento

    Years ago, planning a travel and movie took a lot of time investment. However, it is not the case these days. Thanks to the advent of technology that makes it easier for customers to plan and book tickets for movies, flights, and hotels in a nick of time with a single click of their mouse. With the online platforms, offering Event Booking-Tickets and Reservation facilities also provide flexibility of time and variety of options to make better choice.

    With millions of people booking tickets for movies, hotels, and transportation, it is worth investing your time and money in creating an online ticket booking and reservations platform.

    Reasons Why People Prefer Booking Tickets Online

    • Multiple ticket booking options at one place...

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  2. 10 Simple Things to Increase Your Ecommerce Conversion Rate

    Getting exceptional traffic to your website doesn’t guarantee revenue. It is achieved when the conversion is made. Running an online shopping business is no simple feat, and it can seem even daunting when you are new to the industry. Using the premium Magento extensions and engaging website layouts are great to make available better shoppers’ experience, but there is a lot more to be done to increase conversion. 

    Scaling an eCommerce...

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  3. How to Deal With 404 Error Page on Magento Store

    Online shopping is all about the convenience offered to buyers. In fact, the success of an online shopping portal is based upon the user experience it offers. Even a minor hitch in the checkout process leads to abandoned cart resulting in loss of revenues. Leading platforms use the best Magento extensions to make the process smoother. While Magento is a fully-loaded platform for eCommerce development, there are still some issues that may challenge buyers while buying through Magento stores. And one of these issues is 404 or not Found Page.


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  4. Top 5 Challenges E-Commerce Store Owner Face

    With millions of people browsing the internet and buying products from the leading eCommerce platforms, the online shopping industry makes an attractive business proposition today. No need to buy a property and invest in interior decoration while taking care of the team’s salaries as eCommerce needs just an online store that is visually attractive and functionally robust. And Magento is the first choice most people consider for eCommerce development, thanks to its great features and unbeatable security.


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  5. How to Choose Best Magento Ecommerce Development Company

    The world of technology is a pot boiler of changes. You think the competition is tough in your industry? The competition in the field of website development and app development is even tougher. The growing technology, no doubt, gives you the benefits to expand your business to great heights and increase your revenue, but it also creates a confusion when you’re looking for a professional and reliable eCommerce developer.

    In recent times, offshore website development has become the most sought after business process around the world. The offshore web development has surfaced as...

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  6. Simplified Magento 2 Checkout Gives the Platform a Winning Edge

    Magento has turned out to be the most used eCommerce development platform with a lot of functionalities and benefits for both the sellers and the buyers. Not only does this platform possess excellent features, but also is constantly aimed at improving itself. And its advanced version (Magento2) is the greatest step that has a series of benefits over its predecessor. This version comes with a simplified checkout process, which makes it a great aid for increasing conversation and reducing cart abandonment at the online stores.


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  7. Get 50% Discount on All Magento1 Extensions This Christmas

    The celebrations of Christmas are no longer limited to a particular geographical area. People across the world enjoy the festival, share love with friends & family, and if you are an online retailer, it is the right time that you target the maximum online shoppers with something that excites their feeling and urge to purchase from your store. 



    On this occasion, we are offering an attractive discount offer for the eCommerce store owners:


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  8. How to Reduce Your Magento Development Cost?

    Contrary to the popular misconception about most things online being essentially free, creating an eCommerce website even with the basic functionalities can cost you quite a bit more than what you’ve estimated. To help you cut the cost of Magento development, we would like to help you with a few tips to create an online presence without exceeding your budget.



    Website Hosting Packages

    Hosting is the place where...

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  9. Expert-Suggested Top Magento Extensions to increase Conversion This Diwali

    Being an online retailers, you understand that the sale volume matters a lot when it comes to developing your eCommerce business and brand image in target market. This is why, you always wonder “how to boost online sales,” and we’d like to help you with the top Magento Extensions, suggested by our experts.



    The listed extensions are tested by our experts on va...

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  10. 5 Do’s & Don’ts of Ecommerce Web Design

    When developing an eCommerce store, the first thing that must be kept in mind is the design and for obvious reasons we spend a lot of time in the particular area of the Magento development project. We know it can be quite tricky to attract visitors and keep them engaged, hence we’ve brought to you some pointers about how to go about your first web development and design project. 

    If you are not an expert, it is always better to let a professional handle the...

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