Getting exceptional traffic to your website doesn’t guarantee revenue. It is achieved when the conversion is made. Running an online shopping business is no simple feat, and it can seem even daunting when you are new to the industry. Using the premium Magento extensions and engaging website layouts are great to make available better shoppers’ experience, but there is a lot more to be done to increase conversion. 

Scaling an eCommerce store requires meticulous attention to every detail on your website, contributing to your main objective: CONVERSION.

We know it can be difficult, and that’s why we’re here to help you with the top 10 steps you can take to increase your eCommerce conversion rate.

Use Quality Images

Not every customer has the time to visit product page to tangibly explore it, pictures are one of the main ways they’ll decide if they need a product or not. Hence the product image should be of very high quality. The reason here is that customers like to see exactly what they’re getting and a quality image gives them a better appearance of the product. It’s important to show the customer every detail of the product.

Simple & Effective Layout

For customers, it only takes two-tenths of a second to form a first impression of your website. Make sure the website layout and design is able to grab their attention with engaging content and high-quality images. It’s always preferred to have an easy-to-navigate layout. Make sure that your products are easy to find. Use features search tabs, drop-down menus, with paid or free Magento extensions and clean up a cluttered site.

Detailed Descriptions

Go smart when writing product descriptions. Provide enough information to answer any question your customers could possibly ask. Use bullet points to make it easier for customers to check product specifications that may be supported with a ‘show more’ option to reveal the rest of the text. Amazon does this without overwhelming the customer.

Live Chat

There may be some times when customers need answer to queries that they can’t find on website. Live chat is a great tool to bridge the gap between uncertainty and a sale. Live chat feature allows online retailers to add a personal touch that most websites would fail to offer. Using a Magento extension for live chat allows shoppers to feel more connected to your company, and subsequently more apt to purchase from you.

Follow Up on Abandoned Carts

There may be many reasons for abandoned carts ranging from emergency phone call to screaming toddlers and dead mobile batteries or unexpected product price. Don’t let these customers slip through the crack. Give them a second chance to complete their purchase with a simple email reminder.

Since each business is unique, not all of the above-mentioned ideas may work to increase conversions, but they are sure to help you in some way. By testing each applicable tip, you will soon find out what makes your business thrive.