Online shopping is all about the convenience offered to buyers. In fact, the success of an online shopping portal is based upon the user experience it offers. Even a minor hitch in the checkout process leads to abandoned cart resulting in loss of revenues. Leading platforms use the best Magento extensions to make the process smoother. While Magento is a fully-loaded platform for eCommerce development, there are still some issues that may challenge buyers while buying through Magento stores. And one of these issues is 404 or not Found Page.

As the name suggests, the error informs shoppers that they page they are trying to access does not exist.

Not only the 404 error leads to poor user experience, but also affects your search engine ranking as well. To make things worse, this error can even cause loss of reputation for the business. Remember that no frustrated customer would want to come back to the website.

However, no problem is permanent as there are solutions available for all of them. Similarly in this scenario, there are several measures that the can be taken to redress the issue and turn the situation in your favor.

Convey a Message

Visitors hate the error page and get frustrated very soon. You can use these error pages to your advantage by creating content that delivers a message to the visitors. A simple apology message would be enough to make visitors calm down instantly. Also, page redirection can be used to redirect the user to another page of your choice. If required, you can also use a contact form to ask visitors to share their experience and woes.

Create a Customized Design

Magento2 is a great platform for eCommerce development, providing advanced features to help sellers deal with 404 pages. It comes with default pages that are designed to address the implications of the error to a certain extent. It suggests shoppers to go to previous page or go to the home page. The feature seems great, but it may not work in every scenario. Providing a personal touch would make a magical effect and this is why most brands create such pages that appear similar to other pages.

Keep Users Engaged

User engagement is the first preference of Magento eCommerce development process. The developers want to make sure that the users stay on the store instead of leaving it for good after encountering the 404 page. This can be done by asking visitors to search more products on the website. Personalized search recommendations can be also provided based on the users’ browsing history. Another way to deal with the issue while keeping users engaged is to give them an option to move to home page, blog, or the pages that showcase your best-selling products.

No matter how well you maintain your eCommerce website, 404 error pages are inevitable and would be there always. Hence, it is important that you focus on optimizing your error pages to keep visitors calm. Smart sellers are the ones who use these error pages as branding tool by converting this adversity into an opportunity.