SoftProdigy Online Store


  1. How to – Launch Multiple Deals Daily With Magento

    In the fast-paced world of sale, user-engagement is invaluable. That’s exactly why businesses need to stop experimenting with the different solutions and look for the best one available to engage new visitors and attract the existing ones for more sales. Of course, Magento provides great user-engagement with layered navigation, multiple product categories, etc., it is always smart to bring something new to the table to increase business sales and growth.

    Now the question is “how online shopping websites can attract more visitors?” And the answer here is Daily Deals / Multiple-deals Magento Extension, the one-stop solution for all types of eCommerce businesses. The extension is designed to increase productivity, presence as well as update your store products availability while ensuring more user engagement. This allows online shopping businesses to attract...

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  2. Convert Your Magento Store into App With Mobile App Builder

    Like so many before you, you have a great idea in your mind and believe that it will be great to facility your target audience with an app, but you have no time or knowledge for coding. And like those who have paved way to the top of the eCommerce industry, you must use the power of a readymade Magento mobile app builder to touch new heights of the online shopping business world.

    Some may advise you to hire a dedicated developer to ensure creating a robust Magento mobile app, the realists will suggest you the risk is too big. Utilizing the app builders cut short the time required for app development and the budget as well.

    I’ve outlined the simple steps to convert your Magento store into a fully-functional mobile app that comes with all the modern features and will walk you through the top of your competition.

    Look for the best Magento mobile app builder and register your business with all t...

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  3. Top 3 Magento Extensions for Improved Navigation Functionality

    Website navigation pays an important role when it comes to user engagement. Customers these days are more inclined towards instant access to online products and appreciate faster and easier shopping process. If they find the website to be confusing and unplanned navigation, they’d leave your website and your competitors will benefit from it. Using premium Magento extensions can be a great choice, but it is important to make the right choice when choosing the best ones.

    Granted Magento offers a great default navigation functionality, but the shoppers are no longer satisfied with default features and need something better than the others are offering. In order to help you make better decision, we’ve compiled a list of the best Magento extensions to enhance your website’s navigation. Each of the extensions were picked manually by experts. If your website is not using any of them...

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  4. Best Ways to Improve User Experience on Online Shopping Stores

    The holiday season is the most stressful time for us. Millions of people travel to spend time with their loved ones while billions send gifts to share love with others. Some get ready to welcome guests. But, the common thing about the festival seasons is that everyone has to buy presents for different people in their lives: family, friends, coworkers, etc.

    And since most of the products are purchased in bulk, it is better that your website is making it easier for them to shop with better User Experience. Websites with better user experience tend to be time-saving solutions for them. I mean, won’t it be great if their online shopping experience wasn’t another source of stress? It is actually possible to make their online shopping experience less stressful with the help of a few changes in the design and functionality using premium Magento2 extensions.

    With this goal in mind, I bring to you the top ways to improve Use...

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  5. How to Provide Cash on Delivery Check Feature on Ecommerce Website?

    Cash on Delivery (COD) is undoubtedly the most popular mode of payments across the world, especially the Asian countries. One of the major reasons for its popularity is that the buyers do not have to pay anything before the goods are delivered to them. They can first receive the product, check and then make the payment. This gives them the confidence of buying from a reliable platform and that they’re going to get what they’re going to pay for.

    This is why the popularity of the Cash on delivery check functionality is growing among the online shopping websites. While integrating the functionality can be a tiring process, it’s easier than ever before with the premium Magento extensions. The extensions save loads of your time that would be spent on customization and other coding stuff.

    The Blue Dart Shipping Integ...

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  6. How to Engage Visitors While Your Website is in Offline Mode?

    There may be times when you’d need to put your Magento store into offline mode – for technical changes - or simply when you’re planning to re-launch it with a bang. However, the offline mode doesn’t need to put a halt to your orders and should not make it an inconvenient experience for the visitors that land at your site.

    The best way to continue the customer-business relationships is to inform your visitors that your website is under construction in a straightforward and attractive way. And the Store Maintenance Mode & Coming Soon Magento Extension comes handy for the support.



    Create an engaging, attractive, and appealing offline-mode page for the visitors so they know that you’ll...

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  7. How to Integrate Add Multiple Products to Cart in WooCommerce?

    Your work as an administrator in an online shopping store may be pretty time consuming. Nobody knows that better than us. We’re expert at Magento and Woocommerce extensions and since we’re aimed at making the life of WooCommerce users easier, we decided to share with you the top product we have available in stock to integrate the functionality of “Add Multiple Products To Cart with Custom Variant.”

    This plugin is developed using the highly advanced and sophisticated WooCommerce coding methods, while ensuring the store performance at the same time. It’s easy to implement, and it can save tons of time when editing multiple products.

    Add Multiple Products To Cart with Custom Variant is designed to ease the shopping experience of the modern buyers while allowing them to add all the desired products right from the product catalog. The extension makes the...

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  8. Make Searching Easier In Organized Way with Quick Search By Brands

    Imagine what would happen if you put all your products on your eCommerce website’s front page? It will make shopping worst experience with non-ending scrolling. User experience matters a lot when it comes to online shopping and since the competition is quite fierce, it’s even important to ensure better experience when the target visitor lands at the web page. It is imperative that a website has good search functionality. Customization can be an option, but nothing works better than the premium Magento extensions.

    Here in this article, I’ve listed the top three Magento extensions used for improved search functionality that can help you engage and retain a large number of customers on your store without indulging in the customizations. And one more thing, the list is not a ranking list and the prices quoted here can change.

    Quick Searc...

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  9. Remind Visitors of Special Events via Email with Gifting Reminders Extension

    Every business wants more sales. However, unfortunately they don’t happen because we want them to be. Improving the sales and revenue can be the most difficult task for any business. Engaging new and retaining the existing clients can be one way to sell more. Using the best suitable and usable Magento2 extensions is the most effective and affordable way to ensure sales growth.


    Although Magento is an exceptionally strong and innovative content management system for eCommerce solutions, improving sales requires additional efforts. You have multiple built-in features and functions to create a highly-interactive web store with ease. Keeping customers coming back for more can be made easier with an additional functionality using the Gifting...

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  10. Improve Sales Strategies & Revenue with Daily Deals Magento Extension

    Most of potential customers spend hours browsing internet every day in order to find advantageous deals and grab the best ones to buy what they dream about. Although the deals don’t offer much discounts, but shoppers are always after the discount offers. Why not to help users make a decision more quickly with the Magento daily deal extension?

    The ‘Daily Deals Magento Extension’ is the one-stop solution to catch visitors with appealing daily deal blocks, informing them about the best deals of for today or a particular time period. This extension is designed by the experts to show users a specific time limit within that customers have to make an order. Daily Deals Magento Extension can easily turn you’re your Magento eCommerce website into a styli...

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