SoftProdigy Online Store


  1. What Is Referral Spam & How To Remove It In Your Google Analytics?

    The spam in Google Analytics (GA) is the worst thing any ecommerce website can come across. Following the deluge of referral spam from adult sites, social buttons or other sources, online shopping website owners are getting more concerned about the useless data and traffic they are receiving.

    At first, you may get excited with the overwhelming response to your marketing efforts. However, the spam traffic in Google Analytics is a great drawback for your business growth as the traffic is sent from spammers.

    Before we start discussing about the methods to stop referral traffic from Google Analytics, it’s important to understand how spam works and the types of spam:


    There’s a reason the type of spam is called ‘ghosts.’ It’s because they make up a majority of your website traffic by Google Analytics without even accessing your site. This is never tracked by the Google’s...

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  2. Top 5 Ways To Ensure Safety While Shopping Online

    When the headlines are filled with incidents like cyber attack, hacking, etc., all you want as an online buyer is to protect your identity and sensitive information from the miscreants. Of course there are software available to help protect your information from the hackers, but it’s always smart to be a bit more attentive when buying products online. If you're one of those millions of customers, make sure to change your password and then move on to these top ways to keep yourself safe from identity theft.

     Use Familiar & Trusted Websites

    Start with a trusted online shopping brand with the search engine. Search for the best online shopping websites and shortlist the ones you already heard about such as Amazon, Wallmart, etc. If you’re buying with a less-known brand, make sure the website is hack-proof and has all the premium Magento extensions for added sec...

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  3. Top E-commerce Hacks To Increase Conversions Instantly

    Improving ecommerce website’s conversion rate is the most common concern people face, especially when the competition is all time high these days. However, in order to improve conversion, you don’t have to give your website a complete makeover. Using a few common tricks and a little effort to implement the best features using best Magento extensions is just as effective.

    Most ecommerce strategies would emphasize focusing on investing in digital marketing, social media marketing, paid ads, content marketing and other marketing methods to drive more traffic to your website. While the marketing methods do help to drive traffic to your website, but these 5 ecommerce hacks can help convert them to buyers.



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  4. Reasons That Make It Necessary to Focus on Website Speed

    When you are into the online shopping industry, performance and user experience are the most common factors to be looked after for a successful business. Researchers claim that visitors don’t wait for the websites to loan more than five seconds. Hence it’s important to take immediate action if your website pages are taking too much time to load. Using premium Magento extensions and help of an expert developer can reduce the burden.

    Here are a few reasons that make it necessary to focus on website’s page loading time:

    Impatient Community


    We are living in the most impatient era of the h...

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  5. Vital Essentialities For E-commerce Business Startups To Succeed

    The inception of WWW fueled the growth of the internet users across the world. It all started with using internet for communication purposes, but people use it for a lot more reasons. From 1991, a whole new era of internet began. The meeting point of internet and business gave birth to a whole new field—the E-commerce. And since then, the world of internet has changed forever. And Magento took the growth of eCommerce to the next level with great UI & UX, features, and a wide range of Magento extensions available to integrate unique functionalities.

    Since the internet gives great support to the online retail market, the competition is getting fierce and hence it’s important for the new business to keep in mind the top vital essentials to succeed in the eCommerce market.



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  6. How To Use Conversion Optimization To Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment?

    Ecommerce cart abandonment is the most common problem most online retail stores face. Visitors land at our website, navigate through your products, pick up a desired item, add it to cart, but never complete the checkout process. There may be times when your shoppers may need some time to compare products or get suggestions from previous buyers. However, in most cases, high shipping costs, excessive taxes and shipping times are the most reasons for shopping cart abandonment.

    Even, they may feel comfortable with the checkout process or find it too much complicated or time consuming. In fact, lengthy checkout process is the most common reason for shopping cart abandonment, which can be made easier with one-page checkout Magento extension.

    If your business has also started experiencing excessive shopping cart abandonment, you’ll surely want to take come efforts to reduce by understanding why your customers have trouble c...

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  7. Personalized Touch on e-commerce Stores Makes it More Effective

    Considering the personal touch and user experience one gets in the brick-and-mortar stores, online shopping industry has a lot to learn and implement. If the user is satisfied with the shopping experience and the product range, your customers will definitely return to your store. And the biggest role played in the entire shopping experience is the personal touch. Magento extensions not only make it easier for the shoppers to enjoy faster checkout and shopping process, but also add a personal touch to the shopping experience.

    Here are some tips which you can implement in your Online Stores.

    Recognition Of Customers

    Implementing systems that remember your returning visitors make them feel obliged on your efforts on remembering them. For the online shopping portals, it...

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  8. Facebook Commerce – Introduction & Its Benefits

    We all know about the eCommerce industry and how it’s helpful for the global consumers and the retailers. With great CMS platforms, Magento extensions, and security online shopping industry is growing faster than ever before. However, little do we know about the eCommerce industry is that it has many other extensions, supporting it to grow faster. And Facebook Commerce is one of the best among them, allowing small merchants to sell through Facebook platform.

    Before we start diving deep into the F-Commerce, let’s go through a few facts about Facebook:

    • 600 million users globally.
    • More fans recommending products.
    • 40% users recommend social networking sites when buying online.
    • 68% users visit retailer pages to check updates.
    • Average 130 to share your latest shopping...

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  9. 6 Reasons For Google Not Indexing Your Ecommerce Website Pages

    Google indexing is the most crucial stage for Search Engine Ranking. If Google is unable to index your web pages, your website will be unable to get better ranking on the search engines. And if you do not get ranked on search engines, no one will be able to find your content organically. There may be many reasons if your website is not indexed by Google. May be you are using the wrong SEO techniques or not using the best Magento extensions to get organic traffic from search engines as your website deserves.


    6 Reasons for Google Not Indexing Your Ecommerce Website Pages

    Google Not...

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  10. 7 Top SEO Tips To Boost Your Sales From Magento E-commerce Stores

    As a small business owner or a start-up, it’s natural to focus on the free website development platforms. This approach may work for many eCommerce website owners, but for those looking for increased revenue, Magento is the best-suitable platform that comes with out-of-the-box functionalities, user experience, and flexibility to grow your business. Not just Magento offers great functionalities, but also has countless Magento extensions to offer for added features.

    SEO is the most prominent area where small businesses can get more value from their eCommerce store.

    Tips To Increase Your Sales:



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