Ecommerce cart abandonment is the most common problem most online retail stores face. Visitors land at our website, navigate through your products, pick up a desired item, add it to cart, but never complete the checkout process. There may be times when your shoppers may need some time to compare products or get suggestions from previous buyers. However, in most cases, high shipping costs, excessive taxes and shipping times are the most reasons for shopping cart abandonment.

Even, they may feel comfortable with the checkout process or find it too much complicated or time consuming. In fact, lengthy checkout process is the most common reason for shopping cart abandonment, which can be made easier with one-page checkout Magento extension.

If your business has also started experiencing excessive shopping cart abandonment, you’ll surely want to take come efforts to reduce by understanding why your customers have trouble committing to their purchase. Understanding the reasons can be the first step to combat the issues.


Shipping Costs

Shipping cost is the prime reason for cart abandonment, with 44% of shoppers abandon their purchase because of shipping costs. Additionally, the insufficient information related to shipping cost results in 22% cart abandonment.

If the buyers get the same product at another website without the additional shipping cost, they’ll be very likely to abandon their cart and buy from a competitor. Better pricing is the prime focus of online buyers who are always looking for the better pricing, and high shipping costs are often enough to make them leave.


Complex Checkout Process

If your checkout process is lengthy or too confusing, shopping cart abandonment simply cannot be avoided. For the modern buyers who want faster shopping process, default Magento process can’t be a satisfactory functionality. Integrating the one-step checkout best Magento extension is the best way to let the buyers complete checkout faster. Nearly 30% of online buyers abandon their carts as they feel checkout process time consuming. With one-step checkout, buyers can easily fill all details at the single page without moving forward and back to edit or fill shipping details.


Comparison Shopping

According to the online shopping industry experts, most online buyers leave products in the carts because they are “comparison shopping.” Modern buyers are smart and they are always looking for the best deals and compare product prices before committing to their purchase. Even if they feel yours is the lowest price, they may leave their cart initially only to return after some time and complete their purchase. It is, hence, important to keep the comparison shoppers in mind when evaluating your shopping cart abandonment rates.


Cash on Delivery

Regardless of how big is the eCommerce industry is getting each day, not everyone feels safe in paying in advance for the product. Over 57% online buyers prefer buying products that come with ‘Cash on Delivery,” making it one of the most essential factor for the online shopping industry. Integrating cash on delivery check functionality allows your online buyers to check COD availability in advance before placing the order online. Premium Magento Extension make it easier for the store owners to integrate COD check functionality without undergoing massive customization.

With the extensions installed on your website, customers can easily check COD availability by providing Zip Code at product listing page.


Bottom Line

Shopping cart abandonment rates is the most common problem for nearly every online shopping business these days. The above-mentioned changes may help engage more visitors and convert them into buyers easily while encouraging them to keep coming back for more.


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