The inception of WWW fueled the growth of the internet users across the world. It all started with using internet for communication purposes, but people use it for a lot more reasons. From 1991, a whole new era of internet began. The meeting point of internet and business gave birth to a whole new field—the E-commerce. And since then, the world of internet has changed forever. And Magento took the growth of eCommerce to the next level with great UI & UX, features, and a wide range of Magento extensions available to integrate unique functionalities.

Since the internet gives great support to the online retail market, the competition is getting fierce and hence it’s important for the new business to keep in mind the top vital essentials to succeed in the eCommerce market.


Vital Essentialities For E-commerce Business Startups To Succeed


Define Your Business

The most important step of running an online shopping is defining your very existence. Wondering how do you define your business? Get your basics right. Following things must be taken into account:

  • Impact of other sectors on your industry
  • The target industry
  • Targeted customers
  • Micro and Macro business factors
  • The competitors
  • Potential of the business
  • Unique selling point (USP)

If you are already clear with all the above-mentioned factors, pat your back. And if you haven’t, what are you waiting for?

SSL Certificates

When buying products online, consumers want to be sure of dealing with a professional, secure and trusted platform and the only way to make sure they trust upon you is to display that green color on the URL bar. It’s because the trust is the biggest hurdle that you must overcome. However, it is something that is not as hard as seems.

Install the SSL certificate on your website to make sure your customers are never worried about the security of their ultra-confidential information when buying products online. SSL certificate is an unconditional requirement for the desktop website and the mobile apps as well.

Get Social

These days, when millions of users are actively operating social media accounts, the power of social media can’t be undermined. From a 12-year old kid to the 60-year old people, everyone is on social media nowadays. Many large organizations have realized the potential of social media and are using these platforms to grow their business exponentially. Companies such as Amazon and Zomato made the most of it and still continue to do so.

It is especially a great choice for the startup businesses as social media is the cheapest way to promote your products and brand. Simply integrate a social media share button using best Magento extensions and it’s all done.

It’s All About Customer Satisfaction

As we all know the competition in eCommerce market is getting fierce each day, customer satisfaction is becoming a crucial factor for the retailers. You can’t have a bunch of loyal customers as they have a wide range of options for the exact same thing as a result of cut-throat competition. It is important to do everything to retain the customers - send emails, improve website appearance, use premium Magento extensions for unique features, etc. Here are our recommended strategies:

  • On time delivery
  • Give freebies
  • Live chat support
  • Take lessons from the complaints
  • Integrate one-step checkout
  • Social media monitoring
  • Satisfaction surveys
  • Timely returns and replacements

Bottom Line

According to the figures, nearly 9 out of 10 startups fail and the biggest reason behind the failure is ignorance of the above-mentioned vital points. There are hundreds of other reasons as well, but they are the most important ones. However with right strategies and right actions—ANYTHING is accomplishable.