When you are into the online shopping industry, performance and user experience are the most common factors to be looked after for a successful business. Researchers claim that visitors don’t wait for the websites to loan more than five seconds. Hence it’s important to take immediate action if your website pages are taking too much time to load. Using premium Magento extensions and help of an expert developer can reduce the burden.

Here are a few reasons that make it necessary to focus on website’s page loading time:

Impatient Community

We are living in the most impatient era of the history where no-one wants to waste their precious time on any website that takes hours to load, no matter how great products it offers. If your competitor website is loading faster and better than yours, it may tug your business into an incautious area. And since the customers have a great range of options available, you’re likely to be forgotten just because of the slow loading pages. That’s why successful business firms focus on their web loading speed in order to be sure that they are driving on a right track.

Nightmare for SEO

Long time ago, Google announced to hit the websites with slow loading speed. Which means, if your website is loading slow, but you are spending great amount on Search Engine Optimization (SEO), you are likely to be fall behind the competition. A perfect combination of SEO and better page loading speed is the only key to succeed on the search engine rankings. Another great reason to ensure better page loading speed is the bounce rate. If your page fails to load within five seconds, people will want to jump to your competitor website, which results in increased bounce rate. It is also a great reason for poor performance on search engine rankings. Google states that slow websites are ineffective and are not able to function in search engines.

Lower Conversion Rate

You invest a lot on improving website’s appearance and functionalities with best Magento extensions, but if your site loads slowly, your profits will be effected. Researchers found that the websites with better page loading speed tend to show up higher on Google rankings, resulting in more traffic and better conversion rate. A delay of one second in page loading results in 16 percent decrease in customer satisfaction and 7 percent fewer conversion. The global eCommerce leader, Amazon also conducted a test on page load speed where the speed was decreased by 1 second and Amazon noticed a 2 percent decrease in conversions, which means less sales!

What is a Good Page Speed?

Experts claim that the website page loading speed should range between 2 seconds and 3 seconds.

Ideally, your website should load in under 1 second.

However, the average page loading speed is measured to be between 3 to 7 seconds. If you leave the website page speed as it is currently, you’ll also lose conversions and revenue. If the page takes more than 10 seconds, then there’s something very wrong with the website and you must need to take immediate action. Diagnose the problem and fix it as soon as possible.

Conduct a test of your page speed on the online tools to check where you’re at. These websites also can help you with the suggested remedies you can take to improve website performance and page loading speed. The best way to be on a safer side is to use the best Magento extensions and less customization.

Additionally, you can also consult with a web developer if you need help diagnosing your problem.