How to install Magento extension to your e-store accurately?

We have several reasons to love Magento for e-commerce development. The most prominent is its incredible plugins and extensions. You might have heard experts saying that installing the right add-on is essential to boost the functionality of your e-store. The correct installation also plays a vital role.


Magento has extensions to meet the needs and requirements of your store. The platform offers both free and premium Magento 2 extensions. You can choose depending on your budget and preferences. But these add-ons are useless if you fail to install them appropriately. Here, you will learn the best ways to install your Magento 2 extensions. Before getting into these, let us know some benefits of extensions for your eyewear store.


  • How do Magento 2 extensions benefit your online optical store?


If you implement Magento 2 extensions to your store, you can leverage the following advantages.


  • You can add the necessary functionality to your eyewear store.
  • With extensions, you can boost your user experience, which leads to more traffic, conversion, and sales. For example, the Gift Reminder Magento 2 extension is an excellent way to encourage your customers to make purchases. Hence, you will experience higher sales.
  • As a store admin, you can manage inventory, orders, customers, and more with Magento extensions.
  • Some plugins and extensions help you boost your online visibility and traffic.

A complete guide to installing Magento extensions

Remember, proper installation is crucial to make the most of Magento extensions. When you implement extensions, make sure you use the development environment. Also, direct installation in the production environment is a big no-no. You must meet the following prerequisites to install extensions in your Magento store.


  • Always partner with a reliable company to buy Magento extensions. In this way, you can avoid future issues and confusion.
  • Invest in the latest backup for your Magento eyewear store.


Note:* You can download free and premium Magento 2 extensions from various sources. These are Magento Marketplace, GitHub, and third-party providers like SoftProdigy. Let us look at the methods for installing Magento extensions.

Best practices to insert extensions into your Magento store

Adding Magento extensions to your eyewear is a tricky task. That means it requires technical proficiency. So, most e-commerce site owners hire professionals to get it done. But we will list some ways to install extensions on your own. You still need to hire a developer for dependencies to avoid any issues.


      1. Use Composer


If you want to use Composer to install extensions, you should have shell SSH access. You may contact your service provider to offer the same. In this method, the Composer helps you implement the Mageplaza Ajax Layered Navigation extension. Here are the steps to follow.


  • First of all, get the SSH credentials and use SSH to log in to the terminal. After this, connect to SSH with the help of Putty.
  • Now, check the version of your Composer. It is importance because many plugins and extensions have dependencies with a particular version. For this, you have to run the following command:


Composer-v or composer-version


For example, your Magento version is below 2.4.2, so choose the Composer version v1. On the other hand, Composer v1 and v2 are best for Magento version 2.4.2 and above.

  • If you want to ensure the proper working of your admin and storefront, check it regularly. Plus, once you install the Magento extension, run “composer update” to make the changes. Run these commands to do so:


php bin/magentosetup:upgrade

php bin/magentosetup:di:compile

php bin/magentosetup:static-content:deploy -f

php bin/magentocache:flush


      2. Install through ZIP/archive


Uploading Magento extensions via ZIP/archive is one of the most used methods. In this, you should have the files to upload to the server. And you do so using FileZilla or an SFTP connection. Besides this, you can open cPanel directly, followed by visiting File Manager to install the files.


If you have the extension files to be inserted, follow these steps.


  • The first step is creating a connection with FileZilla. You can do this through FTP or SFTP connection. But for this, it is essential to build the connection using the following details.
    • Protocol
    • Host
    • Logon type
    • Username
    • Password


Your service provider can help you get these credentials.


  • If you are connected to FileZilla, the next step is going to your Magento root directory. Here, you will install your Magento extensions.
  • On the left menu, you will see the folder. Extract it and unzip it to your directory.
  • From the unzipped folder, head to the app/code folder to check your directory structure.
  • Now, insert the unzipped folder into the app/code/public_html directory.
  • Lastly, click the Magento root folder and run these commands:


php bin/magentosetup:upgrade

php bin/magentosetup:di:compile

php bin/magentosetup:static-content:deploy -f


The closing


With these methods, you can install the necessary Magento extensions to your eyewear e-commerce store. As a result, you can improve the functions and performance of your e-store. However, if you face any challenges, seek advice from experienced Magento developers.

If you are searching for reliable Magento 2 store services, SoftProdigy is your safest bet. We have years of experience building dynamic Magento stores and dealing in premium Magento 2 extensions.