Creating a responsive website with Premium Magento Extensions is not sufficient, there are plenty of other things that come into play. Pinterest- is one such social platform that has captured the attention of the masses. Although the number of users is not high as in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram but Pinterest is gradually gaining traction, especially with woman demographic. 

Any guesses as to what may be the fascination? In October, Pinterest reported an estimation of 3.3 million unique visitors. While there isn’t a process where potential customers can directly buy from the site after thoroughly reviewing the product, popular images get pinned and repined on the board from hundreds of users.

Here are some ways to attract the attention of customers and spread the word about the new product:

•    Dedicate some time

Like any other social media platform, Pinterest requires investment in time. Once people get to know about your business, they will definitely promote and post your product. You can also schedule ahead of time. Magento ecommerce modules also plays a major role in grabbing customers. People go gaga over quality content and share with their Pinterest friends and you can place it on a schedule so that it is spaced over a time span of few days.

•    Use it as a Virtual Store

Pin products on-board according to the upcoming events. If you don’t own physical product, try pinning up relevant services and articles that you have recently published with the backlink of your website. Ensure that the page you pin has a photo in it.

•    Give brief Insider of your Company

How cool is it that we get a sneak-peak into what the company is all about? Get customers excited about your company by pinning up funny photos of your employees, company events, parties or the amazing infrastructure of the office space and the main aim to show off your brand.

•    Hold a Contest

If you create a contest, create the special hashtag to keep a track of the people who have entered. To increase the total number of people who interact with your brand, a contest provides the mean to strengthen the connection as well. With the bait of prize money, many people temp and get ready to share information as part of the entry process. Ensure to build a promotional plan that encompasses multiple marketing channels and amplifies your product promotion.

•    Get Customer Feedback

Are you ready to start pinning? Remember it is called social media for a reason. Take out some time to pin multiple times a day so you continuously visible to your customers. Also, make an effort to interact with your customers in the community, balance your pins with repinning, liking and commenting with other user’s posts. Ecommerce Magento extensions help build a presentable business website. When you follow the right strategy, your product will stand out from the rest and get highlighted in the minds of your audience. Happy pinning!