Being an online shopping website owner, you know the importance of sales and the efforts required to improve the overall revenue. Hiring sales professionals, integrating chat options, offline promotions may be solutions for improved sales, but there’s an easier way to give a boost to your sales as well – Integrate Best Sales Magento Extensions.

The Magento extensions are designed to attract customers with the unique functionality and increase sales effectively as they keep coming for something new. Here in this post, we’ve have listed our best sales-focused Magento extensions to increase sales. More specifically, the list includes Daily Deals Extension, One-Step Checkout Extension, Add Multiple Products To Cart Extension, Reward Points Extension, and Request A Quote Extension.

Daily Deals / Multiple Deals

This extension is designed to make it easier for the Magento retail owners to launch multiple deals on website to attract more visitors with the countdown timer to entice them to grab the deal before the deal ends. This is the best way to attract visitors and motivate them to buy with all the discount offer details available along with the product itself. Shoppers know the discount, savings and a lot more without clicking on the product as everything is mentioned on product listing page.

It allows customers to easily find out current deals when visiting your online store.


  • The deals change status (activated / deactivated) automatically as admin can set the desired time and date.
  • Display daily deals or sales flexibly on any pages or position to attract more clicks and buyers.
  • Create embed widgets to display deals with banner of sale and product of sale.
  • Countdown timer available to create an urge of excitement among the target audience.
  • Launch multiple deals with featured deals easily highlighted with a few clicks.
  • Display discounts so shoppers know how much they save with the particular discount deal.

One-Step Checkout

The most crucial stage of online shopping is checkout. And an unpleasant experience during checkout may lead to abandoned carts. This makes it important to integrated one-step checkout extension that makes shopping much faster, convenient for the shoppers. Magento one-step checkout extension reduces the default 6 Magento checkout to one page. This allows shoppers to purchase products quickly resulting in increased conversions.

At the same time, the faster checkout experience also prompts shoppers to visit your store again owing to the simplicity of the website.


  • Default Magento 6-step checkout reduced to one-step, resulting in faster checkouts.
  • All checkout information displayed on one page to smoothen out the checkout process.
  • 40% faster checkout makes the whole buying experience amazing.
  • Developed using latest Magento Core Libraries.
  • Faster checkout on mobile devices too with responsive design.
  • Cross compatibility on various devices.

Add Multiple Products to Cart

Shoppers love the faster shopping experience and ‘Add Multiple Products to Cart’ is another way to let them buy faster and easily. This extension allows online shoppers to add multiple products to cart with a single click while allowing them to mention product quantity and the color required. Not just for the wholesale product website, but also the other websites benefit from this Magento extension as it allows buyers to complete shopping faster.

This extension is an excellent sales booster as it is capable of delivering faster checkout experience as shoppers can add multiple products to cart while customizing the order as per need.


  • Shoppers can select and add multiple products to cart from catalog page.
  • Click on checkbox to select a product to add to cart.
  • Select product quantity and color before adding it to cart.
  • Select all products using “select all’ checkbox.

Reward Points

Reward Points Extension is the simplest way to launch loyalty programs on the shopping website to reward shoppers for the actions they take on the website such as purchases, reviews, referrals, subscription, comments, registration, etc. It helps increase customer loyalty and they keep coming back to your store as the reward points can be used for future purchases. Store owner can customize and improvise flexible catalog rules, depending upon their preference or what works best for their particular business and industry.


  • Reward customers for different actions like registration, comments, product purchase, reviews etc.
  • Set specific rules to reward shoppers with points for each purchase.
  • Set rules to allow customers to use reward points in multiple ways - to shop or to pay.
  • Customers can check reward points across different pages.
  • Shoppers can share their free points with friends to let them purchase with reward points.

Request A Quote

Request A Quote Magento Extension offers online buyers an ability to negotiate with store admin over the price tag and get the product on a desired price. Shoppers can easily make a quotation request using the simple front-end form and store admin can approve or disapprove the request. Also, store admin can suggest a new price. Once agreed, the shopper can complete checkout using a given link.

The purpose of this extension is to facilitate shoppers with the ability to bargain over product prices and experience the next-generation buying.


  • Customers can send multiple quote requests from front-end.
  • Store admin can accept or reject the quotation.
  • Admin can suggest a new price in response to the quotation request.
  • It works with multiple Magento product types (simple and custom option).
  • Quote information is displayed in Magento backend for admin.
  • Customers need to register or login to send quotation request.