All websites are unique in their own way. And if you are planning to compete in the online shopping world, it is important to get equipped with something really unique that makes shopping fun, easy for the buyers. We’ve seen trends in eCommerce website designs like advanced filtering, 360-degree product viewing, and dynamic product search. However, trends are likely to change after a certain time period and shoppers will look for something new, but user experience is something that will be the same, ensuring increased sales and revenue.

There are certain elements that every eCommerce website should have using the best WooCommerce plugins to stay relevant and competitive. The elements must be selected carefully keeping in mind your business nature and target market and should meet the needs in terms of user experience, convenience, and security.

Here is a list of top features every eCommerce website should have:

Controlled & Faster Checkout Process

Checkout is the most crucial stage of online shopping where buyers complete the buying process with payment. If this is not made to deliver better experience, all your efforts may go in vein. Using the one-step checkout functionality may be the best choice you could implement to your progress methods as this allows customers to complete purchase faster. Guest checkout or login via social media credentials can also be enabled to enforce secure and faster transactions.

Add & Manage Products

If you already use WooCommerce, you must know the platform doesn’t allow shoppers to add multiple products to cart. Users can add single product to cart by clicking on the product. Making it easier for them to add products to cart easily is the best gift any store owner can give to the shoppers. Using the Add Multiple Products in WooCommerce Store allows online buyers to complete the shopping process faster without visiting every product page to add it to cart.

Additionally, alternate or dynamic product views and zoom functionality makes it easier for buyers to inspect products closely to make better decisions. This ensures fewer products return as visitors know what they are getting even before they complete the checkout and payment process. And also, they’re able to check the product details right from the catalog page and add multiple products to cart in WooCommerce.

Mobile Experience

Online buyers are the definition of people who buy on the go. And since we are talking about the ‘on the go buyers,’ mobbing is something worth mentioning here. With more than 2.8 billion people using smartphone across the world and nearly 70% online searches made via mobile devices, it is a must for every business to invest in a mobile app builder to convert the store into a fully-functional mobile app.

Additional, it is also suggested creating a mobile version of the website or make the existing one responsive. Heavy bounce rates occur when your mobile users aren’t able to complete the purchase well because the website is not mobile friendly and the design hasn’t been created to cater to ease of use of mobile users.

Shipping Prices Calculations

Add shipping prices to products well before they reach the checkout page and get a surprise when decide to make payment. The additional charges may come as a surprise which may also result in cart abandonment. Detailed information like free shipping, cash on delivery, international shipping, etc., should be displayed at the product listing page. The most common feature that shoppers appreciate is the Cash on Delivery check using the Blue Dart Shipping Integration.

Final Words

Online shoppers are busy these days. They need websites that help them search best products and complete checkout faster with security to their personal details. Websites like WallMart, Amazon have been performing better each year as a result. If you aim to be a stronger competitor to the leaders, it’s going to be a smart move for both you and your business revenue generation to look for the best WooCommerce plugins and integrate some amazing functionalities.