Figures revealed that we each spend an hour a day shopping online. Impressive isn’t it? Well, the figures don’t reveal much about shoppers’ behaviour and how much time is being spent. Neither we know much if time and money track one another and if they do whether they are in the same direction or opposite to each other.

The most important thing we know is the buyers’ time is becoming scarcer as the competition is higher and options are countless to entice us than ever before. Following the increasing competition, more Magento modules are available to make shopping a better experience for the buyers.

So, here are some steps that can be taken to optimize time consumers spend on eCommerce websites.

What Experience Customers Want From Your Site

For every online business, it is vital to know customers’ objective and what they want from your site. Some online stores have a transactional relationship with consumers and the experience is one of pure necessity. In such cases, consumers want their experience to be as efficient as possible. In some other cases, there’s an opportunity to make the shopping experience an entertaining one. In this case consumers appreciate engaging content that they value and keeps them browsing for longer.

Smart online retailers must identify the occasions in the journey where consumers might want to have a frictionless and swifter experience such as during checkout and product search.

Don’t assume that keeping customers for longer is leading to a purchase.

Track Consumers Journey By Time

Experts claim most consumers stay at online stores for nearly eight minutes. With such a less time available to make a sale, you need to know where the time is being spent.

The eight minutes don’t apply to everyone, so it’s good to first establish your average visit time and then start tracking how this time breaks down.

Know where consumers are spending most of their time and you can use the information to make their experience even better on your store. Understand the barriers delaying consumers from getting where they want to be next and look for the best Magento modules to serve them better.

Review Cart Abandoned Rates

Now that you know consumers’ journey by time, map this information against behavioural data. This can help you understand the points that may be leading to the basket abandonment.

Cart abandonment rate is expected to happen, but it should never go above 60%. When it goes up the limit, there is a need to take action. Look whether a one-page checkout extension would bring down this number.

Simplify The Checkout Process

Magento default checkout process can be quite time consuming and annoying, especially for the mobile users. They want checkout to be simplified and faster hence cutting down the six-step checkout to one-step can bring great changes.

Login with social media account lets shoppers sign into website using their existing credentials and save the time required to sign up. Using this feature, buyers can access information related to their order such as delivery and payment easily and securely eliminate the need to re-enter this data. Social login cuts the checkout process by two thirds – a really significant time saving for customers.


Know what consumers are looking for when they approach your site and try delivering the best possible shopping experience using premium Magento extensions. Understanding consumers time spent on your site will allow you to create and place richer content at moments in time when shoppers might want to remove barriers and blockages at moments when they don’t.

Online shopping businesses that recognize the value for customers’ time can effectively use it for mutual benefit.